A military meme...

I noticed the other day that Boots graduating from Great Lakes get a participation ribbon just for not screwing up and graduating. That is some high level BS right there.
Air Force has the same bullshit ribbon for basic training. I was willing to assume that anyone USAF not marching around Lackland in formation probably completed basic - having a participation ribbon for it is just crap.
I noticed the other day that Boots graduating from Great Lakes get a participation ribbon just for not screwing up and graduating. That is some high level BS right there.
When the Marines start doing it, that's when I'll worry.

I never wore my Army one except for an official photo once. I felt like a dork with that rainbow piece of shit on.
I noticed the other day that Boots graduating from Great Lakes get a participation ribbon just for not screwing up and graduating. That is some high level BS right there.
Oh, is that what that is?
I figured it was just a gay pride ribbon since they ended don't ask don't tell.
I noticed the other day that Boots graduating from Great Lakes get a participation ribbon just for not screwing up and graduating. That is some high level BS right there.

Actually, I looked it up: from what I can tell, only the Honor Graduates get that ribbon in the Navy.

That ain't so bad. The USAF and the Army do hand out a ribbon to everyone, but I hadn't realized they'd been around so long: 1976 and 1981, respectively.
I think I left Kosovo the day before the Burger King arrived, about four months after we set up Camp Bondsteel. Good to know their BK reaction time has improved, lol.
On the E/W German border we used to say we ate “BMG’s”

Backerei, Metzgerei, Gasthaus..

(Baker, Butcher, Restaurant)
On the E/W German border we used to say we ate “BMG’s”

Backerei, Metzgerei, Gasthaus..

(Baker, Butcher, Restaurant)
I was also on the border, and on various field exercises we would toss a couple of MREs and five bucks to the nearest kindern, and within 15 minutes they'd return with take-out containers of food and a couple of beers.
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