Constitutional Carry Poll! Need Help from MA folks. Firemission

Thanks to you all. We have kept the numbers up for us. I will report back how the hearing goes on the 8th.
Thank you, we have already counted your vote.

Yes 70.54% (1,777 votes)

No 29.46% (742 votes)
Voted, but these online polls are meaningless and won't change the outcome of any bill.
Thanks for all the votes in the poll. The hearing at the state house last Weds. went well in terms of numbers. We had 200-300 and they had maybe 12. The work session is scheduled for the 27th. Then some time after that, it will be hopefully pushed to the House and Senate unamended and then a vote. Lots of work still needs to be done. If you live in Maine or live elsewhere but know gun owners in Maine please contact them and urge them to call their reps in support of LD 652.

We are hearing things about Bloomberg and his Everytown. I only saw one person last Weds that had an Everytown button on, while I saw close to 200 with the GOME badge. Everytown is spending money on making phone calls to reps against LD652. It is possible that many of the calls are coming from out of state and are only claiming to be from Maine. Every phone call in support of LD 652 is what is needed now.
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