11-47-60. Possession of firearms on school grounds.

Mar 10, 2015
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I read 11-47-60. Section (b) starts the exceptions. I don't see where there is an exception for holders of a RI permit to carry. Am I missing anything? Old threads here at NES have folks saying there is an exception, but I don't see it in the actual law. Maybe the law changed, and there used to be an exception? I just don't see it.

No, this is one of the laws they passed the first year Mattiello wasn't Speaker of the House anymore, right after the 2020 election. They eliminated CCW's from carrying on school grounds. More feel good bullshit that fixes nothing. Only police officers are allowed on school grounds armed now
Whoever that clown from Warwick is took over as Speaker and the anti's have a real chance to get their "feel good but do nothing" agenda through now. As much as Mattiello sucked on other things, he was very good at keeping the anti gun freaks at bay. But of course he's the ONLY Democrap to lose his seat to a Repub in this Turdville called RI
Thats a bummer to know about the change to the law. Where else are licensed carriers restricted? How about private property with a no firearms sign? Does that carry the weight of the law?
Thats a bummer to know about the change to the law. Where else are licensed carriers restricted? How about private property with a no firearms sign? Does that carry the weight of the law?
Not in RI. They can ask you to leave and then if you don't you're trespassed but no, those signs hold no legal weight in RI.
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