2nd State Shoot - NH State Preliminary Day


NES Member
Mar 11, 2013
Big walkway across from small walkway
Feedback: 92 / 0 / 0
After going to the MA State Shoot Preliminary Day, I was hooked. Thanks grizquad for taking me under your wing and showing me the way. Along my adventures I also met MisterHappy. He really is happy!

Wallum Lake 7/4
Singles 91 hitting the Lewis Class C
Handicap 89 (20y) hitting the Lewis
Doubles 78 hitting only the 1-25 (23) Option Class D

NH State Preliminary 7/5 - Penalized because I didn't have enough targets into Class B and 22y
Singles 93 w a 4-25 hitting the Lewis Class B
Handicap 92 (22y) w a 4-25 hitting the Regular Purse and 4-25 Option
Doubles 81 nada Class B

I ended up having my first shoot off ever for 4th place Open Handicap and ended up placing 5th. The officials were amused because the two guys who were penalized to 22y for not having enough targets ended up winning with a tie of 92. Since we both won, we are now automatically 22.5y shooters. I think when I go to ME State, I will be penalized again... and have to shoot at 24.5y.

It was a great time and looking forward to the ME State next.

Pictures for all to enjoy.

Jon, Congratulations, you are a natural born trap shooter (youth and good eyesight is a help). Maine handicap penalty is 500 cap targets or a penalty of 2 yard over normal yardage (now 22.5) to a 23 yard minimum or 25 yard maximum. Sooooooooooo yes it does look like you will be at 24.5 unless you find up to 500 cap targets. Royalston is having a shoot 7/14 and Peterborough, NH is having a shoot 7/21. Glad you are enjoying Trap! See you in Maine
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