City Gun Law Passes -

Mar 31, 2005
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NJ does it again...Hope this area doesn't follow the lead..

Council clarifies gun ordinance

Monday, October 16, 2006


Making minor changes to a law it adopted in June, the Jersey City Council approved another ordinance last week banning the sale or purchase of more than one handgun within a 30-day period.

The previous ordinance essentially accomplished the same thing. But the new ordinance, adopted Wednesday, makes it clear that the 30-day sale rule applies to both sellers and buyers and also applies to law enforcement employees, said Thomas Jardim, the attorney representing the city.

Both the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs and Frank Caso - the owner of Caso's Gun-O-Rama on Danforth Avenue, and Hudson County's sole licensed gun dealer - sued the city after the initial ordinance was adopted on the grounds the city had interfered in matters reserved for the state. That case is still pending.

Caso, who says the law has cost him 50 percent of his business, and several supporters showed up at Wednesday night's meeting to protest the council's actions.

"This (ordinance) is an assault to my intelligence as a taxpayer and a businessman," Caso added. "I've been running this business for 40 years and not one of my guns has ever been linked to a crime."

The new ordinance passed 7-2, with council members Mike Sottolano and Viola Richardson, who voiced skepticism about its effectiveness, voting against it. [thinking]
Where the hell are the stats that indicate that this new law would do ANYTHING to curb crime? That's what pisses the living SH%T out of me... no basis at all.
Is that just for residents of that particular city or for gun stores in that city?

I guess I don't understand it completely.
Gun Law

There is only one firearm's dealer in the entire city so the law will apply only to him. He runs a very small shop with a limited inventory. The entire shop isn't much bigger than 20 by 12. But I guess they feel that he is the root of the crime in the city.

They tried a few years back to put him out of business by filing lawsuits against him. The suits were dismissed but it cost him a ton of money.

The state will go along with it because at this time there is legislation pending that will do the same thing. Limit purchases to one every 60 days of so. The city law puts a big responsibility on the firearm's dealer as he must make sure no more than one per period has been purchased.

It won't do anything but put him out of business. Then they will have to look for other reasons for their high crime rate.[thinking]

These folks are plain friggin idiots. Please tell me MR> POLITICIAN the last
time you saw a criminal or gang member go to the local gun store and buy
a validly register firearm...

It aggrevates me so much that they are so stupid to see that the criminals
firearms dealer is NOT licensed, Has no store front, and deals in cash only,
OH YAH the bullets are extra.....

this is pure bullshit, make sure you VOTE out the incumbent, 1 term is too
long....they get into the "good old boy/gal" system and have no clue whats
real anymore...

Go after the criminal you idiot.....

These folks are plain friggin idiots. Please tell me MR> POLITICIAN the last
time you saw a criminal or gang member go to the local gun store and buy
a validly register firearm...

Just as an aside, most states don't require firearms to be registered unlike MA with its damned FA10s and FRB and CHSB and all that crap.
Just as an aside, most states don't require firearms to be registered unlike MA with its damned FA10s and FRB and CHSB and all that crap.

As well they shouldn't!!! Registration is a load of crap, & will only serve those who want to take away our arms.
According to my bro in NJ, this new pile of excrement masquerading as a law puts the onus on the gun dealer - he's somehow supposed to know when a person is buying a second gun in one month - AND it makes even APPLYING for two purchase permits in one month a crime. Cops are supposed to arrest you on the spot. Fortunately, this is only for Jersey City... one of the spots in the running for getting the hose if G-d was ever to give NJ an enema.

Have I mentioned that I'm NEVER moving back to NJ?
NJ does it again...Hope this area doesn't follow the lead..

That's Deval Patricks plan to end gun violence in MA. 1 gun per month... apparently our gun violence is due to straw purchasers buying large quantities of firearms and selling them... It's BS politics, it gives yuppies who don't know a damn thing about firearms and criminals warm fuzzy fealings knowing that their neightbore isn't armed.

Maybe at least now when Deval tries to do it we can say... hey look at Jersey, it didn't work there it won't work here...

I say we pass a law that says "Criminals must obey the law just like everyone else" it will be at least as effective as any new gun law would be.
Mil-surps are your friend here...

I'm not kidding, if "Spend-it-all Deval" wins and implements his "One Gun A Month" rule, I will make it a point of honor to actually go out and purchase... One Gun A Month...

I figure I can get about 7 or 8 month's worth of guns just in the Mosin-Nagant family for under $100 each...


I still don't know how I'm going to afford 12 guns a year...
Mil-surps are your friend here...
Well, let's see... a CZ52 would be first, followed by a MN 91/30. Then maybe an Enfield... I should probably get an SKS before the supply dries up, too. Be nice to find an M1 Carbine I can afford; those have a real high giggle factor. But I'm not holding my breath...
Mil-surps are your friend here...

I'm not kidding, if "Spend-it-all Deval" wins and implements his "One Gun A Month" rule, I will make it a point of honor to actually go out and purchase... One Gun A Month...

I figure I can get about 7 or 8 month's worth of guns just in the Mosin-Nagant family for under $100 each...

One potential problem I see with the one gun a month plan is the enforcement. Enforcement will be a great revenue source for the government. You want to buy a gun this month? Go to your local PD, fill out an application and pay the FEE!
There's money involved with everything the Dems in this state want to do.

BTW: I am not endorsing such a program.
One potential problem I see with the one gun a month plan is the enforcement. Enforcement will be a great revenue source for the government. You want to buy a gun this month? Go to your local PD, fill out an application and pay the FEE!
Feel free to move to the People's Democratik Republik of NJ if you like that crap. I escaped and I ain't a-going back. Ever. Except to visit family & friends... and I wish that one visit was to move my buddy OUT of NJ...
I wonder how many crimes in MA have been solved by tracing the registered owner of a gun? I would be surprised if it were more than one or two.
Just as an aside, most states don't require firearms to be registered unlike MA with its damned FA10s and FRB and CHSB and all that crap.

Well, the entire US has a form of gun registration... it's just that the
records sit at the dealer that sold you the thing... it's called a 4473 form.

People think that just because the dealer keeps it and nobody else sees
it, that it isn't registration. It has your name, address on it (which is supposed
to be correct, at the time of purchase, under penalty of
purjury) serial number, etc.

The only way that record is ever destroyed is if the dealer stays in
business past the records retention date and he burns/destroys the
records older than that. (which he's allowed to do, but the retention
time is really long... like 20 years, or some crap). If he goes out of
business, then the BATFE gets the records directly.

Of course, paperless free state inter-resident transactions often
destroy the paper trail, but that'd be the exception rather than
the rule.

And if you buy more than one handgun at once, the BATFE gets it
directly as well, in an instantaneous manner. It wouldn't surprise
me if all the MHP forms end up being scanned and stored in a database
of some sort.

Of course theres all these black helicopter theories about what will
happen if "the balloon goes up" WRT gun posession in this country. Some
people say that their FFL will destroy the records before the feds get
posession, but I highly doubt that. Most of them are going to capitulate
rather than be thrown in jail for failing to comply with some court order. And given
the antis strategy of incrementalism, it's doubtful that "mass confiscation" or surrender
will be on the menu. They'd rather incrementally kill off peoples rights... it makes
resistance less likely. If there was a mass confiscation scheme that resulted
in some significant amount of resistance, it's likely the public would realize they're
getting raped and force it to be stopped, and the entire anti-gun train could
be blown up and derailed into a river, all at once. The antis know this, and
conciously avoid it. It's easier for them to steal if they do it in a way that
appears more imperceptible over time.

Edit: None of this should be taken as me supporting gun registration... I still
think the state schemes suck, and are basically a waste of tax money, and they also
provide more laws for people to break inadvertantly. (Some states actually prosecute
"failure to register" violations and the like.... I know MI does it on handguns, as they
nailed Angel Shamaya for failing to register a few of his handguns. )

Last edited:
December 18, 2006

A state court judge last week ruled a Jersey City ordinance limiting handgun purchases to one gun a month violated the state's preemption laws, recognizing that the state of New Jersey has already enacted comprehensive regulations regarding the acquisition and sale of firearms and that municipalities do not have the right to enact additional gun-control measures. "Restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens and bullying lawful firearms dealers is not the way to curb violent crime," said New Jersey Association of Firearms Retailers (NJAFR) president Bob Viden. "Judge Gallipoli made the right decision. State law must preempt any attempts by localities to unfairly restrict or hinder our constitutional right to keep and bear arms." The lead plaintiff in the case was NSSF and NJAFR member Frank Caso (Caso's Gun-a-Rama). Published reports indicate Ceasefire NJ and the city of Jersey City intend to appeal this decision.
Thankfully Frank Caso had some help in this fight. He couldn't afford to go it alone which is what the city was hoping for when they passed this legislation.
December 18, 2006

A state court judge last week ruled a Jersey City ordinance limiting handgun purchases to one gun a month violated the state's preemption laws, recognizing that the state of New Jersey has already enacted comprehensive regulations regarding the acquisition and sale of firearms and that municipalities do not have the right to enact additional gun-control measures. "Restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens and bullying lawful firearms dealers is not the way to curb violent crime," said New Jersey Association of Firearms Retailers (NJAFR) president Bob Viden. "Judge Gallipoli made the right decision. State law must preempt any attempts by localities to unfairly restrict or hinder our constitutional right to keep and bear arms." The lead plaintiff in the case was NSSF and NJAFR member Frank Caso (Caso's Gun-a-Rama). Published reports indicate Ceasefire NJ and the city of Jersey City intend to appeal this decision.

OK now I know I'm not the only one who caught this... [grin]
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