Letter to Jeanne Shaheen - detractor of Thune / Vitter amendment

Andy in NH

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Aug 14, 2007
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25 July 2009

Senator Jeanne Shaheen
Constitution Avenue and 1st Street, NE
Washington, District of Columbia 20510

Dear Senator Shaheen,

I am disappointed to learn that you voted against the Thune / Vitter amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act. The narrow defeat of this bill prevents law-abiding, responsible residents of New Hampshire who hold pistol / revolver licenses from traveling around the nation with the ability to protect themselves and their families with their firearms.

The defeat of this bill (and the recent increase in non-resident pistol / revolver license fees) also prevents law-abiding, responsible residents of other states from visiting New Hampshire with their firearms for self-protection.

A common excuse I have heard from the detractors of this bill was that, “not all states have the same standards for concealed carry permits.” You may not be aware that everyone who buys a firearm through a dealer must first be approved through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). I emphasize National because it is the same background check for all people in all states! Certainly, a person approved to purchase (and own) a firearm has been proven reliable enough to carry that firearm concealed.

I have received correspondence from you before in which you stated that you were a supporter of the Second Amendment. This is the second time recently (the first being the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009) where you have failed to support the Second Amendment and the rights of Granite Staters.


I am interested in your view on these matters and look forward to your reply.

Semper Fidelis,
Any bets on whether or not he will get a response? +1 on the effort though.

We'll get a canned response. I doubt she even reads them. This is what I got the last two times I sent her something regarding guns. I bet she has someone read her email then select a statement.

Bitch Shaheen said:
Dear Grendel,

Thank you for contacting me with your thoughts on protecting our Second Amendment rights. I appreciate hearing from you about this important issue.

I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. In New Hampshire we have a proud tradition of individual liberty and a culture of hunting and sportsmanship. I have supported that tradition throughout my career and I will continue to advocate for the responsible use of firearms as an important part of our state's heritage.

Most gun owners agree that Second Amendment rights can be reasonably balanced with the safety needs of their communities. Since these needs vary between urban and rural communities, I believe that many decisions on regulation should be left to state and local governments and law enforcement agencies. Our tradition of gun ownership can be respected while also ensuring that our cities and towns, schools and public buildings remain safe and secure. As your Senator, I will carefully review all legislation that comes before the Senate to make sure that our individual liberties, traditions and safety are protected.

Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with me and please do not hesitate to contact my office with any future concerns.


Jeanne Shaheen
United States Senator
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