NH Pistolseed, May 11-12th, Dunbarton, NH. After action posted!


NES Member
Mar 28, 2010
Beverly, MA
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Heads up!! Only one slot is available for NH's first Pistolseed event. The roster filled up fast. If you were planning on attending this event, please get over to the sight and register as fast as possible.

Registration More Info

A Project Appleseed's National Master Instructor is currently scheduled to attend this event. It will not be an event you want to miss. Hurry up and sign up.

If you want to attend the event and the last slot fills up, message me, and I will put you on a standby list. So that if a slot opens I can let you know immediately. This will not be an automatic registration. All I can promise is that if someone drops out, I will notify you.

Pistol Clinics​

We are pleased to offer Appleseed Pistol Clinics. Our pistol clinic is a fun challenge for everyone, even those who have qualified with pistols in other programs. The program is beneficial for folks who have no pistol experience or have some experience shooting pistols but want more instruction on use for personal defense. It can be offered on either indoor or outdoor ranges depending on location. This class focuses on defensive techniques such as rapid target acquisition and engaging multiple targets, but stops short of teaching drawing from the holster and firing. It’s a challenging course of fire and we think it’s a lot of fun. Although most locations permit pistols of any caliber, many shooters choose to bring a .22 caliber pistol for initial instruction and for practice.

Of course, an Appleseed Pistol Clinic includes history. The history shared will include stories you won’t hear at traditional 25m and KD events.
@Andy in NH! It was a pleasure to have you on the line with us! And congratulations on such exceptional results!!!!!

Wow, we just had a great weekend. We had a PACKED line. Seeing how this was the first Pistol Clinic in New Hampshire. We had a mix of students and instructors from three states on the line all learning side by side.

We had a special instructor from Michagin visiting to lead the instruction, Master Instructor SteelThunder, given his 15+ years and well over 100+ events of experience with Appleseed.

We had a BEAUTIFUL weekend with the weather. Cool, low wind and the sun was out 90% of the time. There was a moment we got some drops on Saturday, and we ended the day on Sunday with very little time to spare before the rain started to come down.

Instruction was fast and abundant. Nothing like learning directly from the firehose of knowledge. Just like ANY event, we started Saturday with the safety briefing. The instructor's primary goal is to make sure everyone leaves with the same number of holes they arrived with and in a vertical orientation. This event was no different than any other. Even with the large number of shooters on the line, we have a safe weekend.

Next, we took some time to look at the steady hold factors of the grip and stance. This leads us right into the 6 steps to firing the shot, focusing on both the mental and physical aspects of placing accurate shots on target. With the use of dry firing and several live fire drills, we worked through recoil and trigger control, target transitions, mag changes, controlled pairs, one-handed shooting, and even malfunction remediation.

All of this work leads us right into the Pistol Qualification tests (PQTs). Right from the first PQT, we started to so those individuals who focused in on the instruction and applied the tools supplied.

Sunday was a bit faster pace. Lots of drills to continue to develop the appropriate skills needed, mixed in with several PQTs. Throughout the weekend. We had several Students and several instructors who ended the weekend by holding the Pistoleer patch high.

Congratulations to those who were able to string together solid stages and cross that difficult threshold to earn your patches. And to those who fell a little short, remember a rifleman or in this case, a pistoleer persists. There are always more PQTs, more events, and plenty of time to train at your home range. I fell into the latter and unfortunately didn't do so well. However, I've taken away several areas I need to work on, and will be ready for my next event.

We do not have any dates for our next pistol clinic, we need certified instructors to lead the events, and this is a new discipline for Project Appleseed. It will take some time.

With that said, keep an eye out for Massachusetts, as they have a certified pistol instructor and will see some events posted there in the future.

Our June 15/16 rifle event in Dunbarton is currently sold out, but we are open for students to register for our June 22/23 event in Littleton NH. I hope to see some new faces on the line!!!!
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