Proposed Idiot Law/NJ

Mar 31, 2005
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This really had no thought whatsoever put into it before proposing it to the New Jersey legislature..but this is the way they think

This bill would require licensed retail firearms dealers who are engaged in the business of gun smithing or firearms repair to obtain a ballistics identifier for each rifle or handgun they receive for gun smithing services or repair.

Under the provisions of the bill, the licensee is required to keep a record of the rifles and handguns received for gun smithing services or firearms repair. The record is to include the name and address of the firearm's owner; the make, model, caliber and manufacturer's number of the firearm; the owner's firearms purchaser identification card number or the permit number of his permit to purchase a handgun; the name, address and retail dealer number, if any, of the seller of the firearm; when the firearm was received for repair, by whom and when it was returned to the owner; and a summary of the gun smithing services or repairs to the firearm.

The bill would prohibit a licensee from returning any rifle or handgun to the owner until a ballistics identifier was obtained and made part of a qualified database established and maintained by a federal or State law enforcement agency. Licensees would be able to obtain these ballistics identifiers by transporting the rifle or handgun to a State Police regional center. The cost of the ballistics identifier determination is to be borne by the State Police. To defray some of the transportation and administrative costs, a licensee is to receive $5 for each rifle or handgun he brings to the State Police for ballistics identification.

A licensee does not need to obtain a ballistics identifier if the rifle or handgun he as repaired or serviced already has a ballistics identifier which has been made part of a qualified database and the repair or service in no way modified, changed or otherwise affected the distinctive firing pin, ejection, extraction or land marks of that rifle or handgun.

The bill permits lawful owners to repair or perform gun smithing service on their own rifles and handguns. These owners are required to obtain ballistic identifiers for the firearms they repair, unless they already have obtained a ballistics identifier which has been made part of a qualified database and the repair or service in no way modified, changed or otherwise affected the distinctive firing pin, ejection, extraction or land marks of that rifle or handgun.

Violators of the bill's provisions are guilty of a crime of the fourth degree.

The bill also provides that any person who knowingly alters, modifies, changes or otherwise affects the distinctive firing pin, ejection, extraction or land marks of a rifle or handgun for an unlawful purpose is guilty of a crime of the fourth degree.

A crime of the fourth degree is punishable by a fine of up to $10,000; imprisonment for a term or up to 18 months; or both.
Please tell me that that piece of garbage hasn't passed yet.

although considering that NJ passed a law saying that three years after "smart" guns are on the market that's all that can be sold there, it's only a matter of time. [rolleyes]
this is the dumbest thing I've heard in a while. They can't abolish the second ammendment but they sure as hell can make it as inconvenient as humanly possible to own a firearm. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!.
Leave it to NJ to try extra hard to be worse than CA!!

I think with this one, they may have won the competition!

Just keep your eyes peeled for a similar attempt in MA.
Ross, just a realist!

The MA legistraitors compare notes with their unworthy counterparts in other draconian states. You can bet on one of them filing such legislation. We need NOT to keep our head in the sand and be ready to refute such garbage, to prevent them from pulling one over our closed eyes.
Leave it to NJ to try extra hard to be worse than CA!!

I think with this one, they may have won the competition!

Just keep your eyes peeled for a similar attempt in MA.

I've always had this leery suspicion that that's exactly the way some anti-gun legislators think... that it's a competition to see whom can enact the strictest most ludicrous gun control laws.

It's a point of pride for them to say "we have the toughest gun control laws in the country".

Note: the bill was introduced on 12/06/02

ASSEMBLY, No. 3134

Sponsored by:
Assemblywoman LORETTA WEINBERG District 37 (Bergen)
Assemblyman ROBERT J. SMITH District 4 (Camden and Gloucester)
Co-Sponsored by: Assemblyman Johnson, Assemblywomen Quigley, Perez-Cinciarelli and Assemblyman Edwards

AFAIK, it hasn't been reintroduced in later legislative sessions.
NJ is so corrupt and screwed up WRT gun laws that it makes MA look
downright inviting in comparison. That whole "cant have guns in the
car" thing except when going to/from ranges or gun stores is a big
tipoff that the industry should have abandoned that state a long time
ago. NJ is the epitome of the failure of gun control. They've had all
those crappy laws in place for awhile now, and none of them have done
a damned thing to make AC or Camden any less dumpy and crime ridden
than they currently are. Their corrupt politicians making more dumb laws
does not surprise me.

I'm afraid not Loginname. The bill was just reintroduced a few weeks back. Hopefully they will see it as useless and let it die. I'm sure the NJ State Police aren't too thrilled as they are overworked as it is.

SENATE, No. 2256

Sponsored by Senator LORETTA WEINBERG

District 37 (Bergen)

It doesn't seem to have any co-sponsors as of yet.
I gotta say, I think that NJ has MA beat hands down in the category of "useless frickin' gun laws".

Thank G-d I escaped back in '86.
Sometimes I think it is a toss up between NJ and MA. NJ has no "Approved List" but you can't get a carry permit. However it is legal to carry without one on your own property and place of employment.

Most vendors will ship most anything except Hi-cap magazines to the state. NJ does have some of the worst and crooked politicians found anywhere, I must admit.

I'm so glad to be going back next week for a few days.
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