PRS Rimfire Match @ Reading 5/7/23

Nov 7, 2015
Feedback: 14 / 0 / 0
There will be a PRS Rimfire Match at Reading Rifle & Revolver on Sunday 5/7/23. Match will be shot from the 600yd line. Targets may be as close as 15yds and as far as 400yds, exact distance TBD. Course of fire will consist of 9-10 stages and will be shot from various improvised, supported shooting positions.

Safety is paramount. All are welcome. Please register/pay via practiscore link below if you plan on attending as I've transitioned to an electronic payment system. Electronic scoring will be next.

Rifles must be .22lr.

Airguns: .22 & .25 caliber may shoot pellets or slugs, max projo weight of 49gn. .30 caliber may ONLY shoot pellets, max projo weight of 50gn. No .30cal slugs allowed. Cannot run a tethered air line. Shooter is responsible for providing and managing their own air supply.

Send me a message if you have any questions and I look forward to seeing some of you there!


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