RIP Dave Marshall


NES Life Member
NES Member
Aug 8, 2009
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Pretty much anyone who's ever shot a rifle match in the New England area has probably met @Dave Marshall at some point. Most everyone who met him on the range or off became his friend. Not only was he a strong competitor on the range, he was also a great guy in general. Kind, generous, hilariously funny, and just an all around awesome guy to know. Sadly cancer took Dave from us on June 3rd, but only after he fought like hell for years to beat it.

Dave was a Distinguished Rifleman, High Master, member of the 990 and 792 clubs. He shot highpower rifle since he was a kid and also dabbled in PRS and pretty much any other rifle sport he could find or make up. He was, without a doubt, one of the best rifle shooters around and would give even the best nationally ranked shooters a run for their money out at Camp Perry.

Cancer sucks. I miss you bud.

Thank you for posting this! Although I belong to Reading, I do not shoot on the competitive rifle teams, but I knew Dave. He was always very friendly, willing to share advice, help out around the Club and was just a really great guy.

And … he was far too young … rest in peace, my friend.
Awful. Way too young ugh[angry]
I never met him but enjoyed reading his PRS/rifle shooting posts here on NES.
I never met him but always looked for reading his posts which were full of great information to anyone interested in the shooting sports. Men like him will be missed

God bless all his family and friends for their loss

RIP Dave
He frequently conducted the “AC & Air Compressor Tour of New England” while driving with his wife as he pointed out his crane jobs by saying, “See that AC unit over there? I did that.”

RIP, Dave. It sounds like the world lost a good one.
Pretty much anyone who's ever shot a rifle match in the New England area has probably met @Dave Marshall at some point. Most everyone who met him on the range or off became his friend. Not only was he a strong competitor on the range, he was also a great guy in general. Kind, generous, hilariously funny, and just an all around awesome guy to know. Sadly cancer took Dave from us on June 3rd, but only after he fought like hell for years to beat it.

Dave was a Distinguished Rifleman, High Master, member of the 990 and 792 clubs. He shot highpower rifle since he was a kid and also dabbled in PRS and pretty much any other rifle sport he could find or make up. He was, without a doubt, one of the best rifle shooters around and would give even the best nationally ranked shooters a run for their money out at Camp Perry.

Cancer sucks. I miss you bud.

Sorry for your/our loss. I know it's a weird thing to say, but... I love that obituary. Did he write it himself?

It's exactly the kind of thing I'd like printed about me.
Wow, way too young. Seems like he lived life at an intensity that accomplished much during that span, however, and was a good role model for others. +1 for the obit and that it's exactly how I'd like mine to roll.
RIP, very sad. I never met the man, but he sounds like a great guy. Condolences to all his friends and Family!
RIP Dave. I only ever had a few brief exchanges with him here but he always stuck me as a high quality guy.
Sorry for your/our loss. I know it's a weird thing to say, but... I love that obituary. Did he write it himself?

It's exactly the kind of thing I'd like printed about me.
I don't feel its weird. Obviously someone weather him, or someone who loved him (definitely not that parrot) worked hard on tha obituary. And rather excellently conveyed such a beautiful, lighthearted, and clearly good natured mans life in a few well written paragraphs. Well done.
Cancer can go f#%k it self
Dave was an awesome shooter, but more importantly, an awesome person. He was always there to help or offer advice.
When I think of him, I remember all the times he made me laugh, which was literally every time I saw him.
We miss him greatly.
I've had the privilege of knowing Dave my whole life, (or rather, his whole life, as I am older.) Dave was my cousin, and a good friend.
I remember all the tales of his shooting exploits with his dad, and his brother.
I regret coming to share his obsession with shooting sports too late to spend time on the range with him.
But I will treasure our late night conversations about accurate rifles and how to use them properly. I regret that I clearly didn't inherit a 10th of his ability...
Thank you to all here and in the larger community who shared friendship and laughter.
He will be missed.
:( Very sorry for your loss.
I only met Dave once briefly and wish I had gotten to know the man better. He seemed like the type who made friends with anyone he met, very giving and unselfish, full of talent and knowledge as well. I am grateful for what he shared and any knowledge I could learn. I know his passion was high power but I met him thru PRS, I bought an item from him shortly before he passed and conversed by PM with him, his courage and attitude were amazing. Gone way to soon. Cancer Sucks for sure. RIP Dave
Pretty much anyone who's ever shot a rifle match in the New England area has probably met @Dave Marshall at some point. Most everyone who met him on the range or off became his friend. Not only was he a strong competitor on the range, he was also a great guy in general. Kind, generous, hilariously funny, and just an all around awesome guy to know. Sadly cancer took Dave from us on June 3rd, but only after he fought like hell for years to beat it.

Dave was a Distinguished Rifleman, High Master, member of the 990 and 792 clubs. He shot highpower rifle since he was a kid and also dabbled in PRS and pretty much any other rifle sport he could find or make up. He was, without a doubt, one of the best rifle shooters around and would give even the best nationally ranked shooters a run for their money out at Camp Perry.

Cancer sucks. I miss you bud.

1 year ago Dave was texting with me in the afternoon and by nightfall he had gone Home. He literally fought cancer till the end. He didn’t ever give up. He accepted God’s plan without animosity or self-pity. I am new to NES and I found this post recently. A big thank you to the many members here who responded with honor and admiration of Dave Marshall. I am blessed to have Dave as my older brother. He probably forgot more about shooting than I’ll ever learn but more than a great shooter he was a man of strength with a heart of generosity, kindness mixed with sarcasm and most of all deep love. Grace and Granite. He’s more alive today, in Heaven, than ever before but we all still here miss him greatly. Thanks for reading.

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