“Surprise. I was ready.”

Looked at the page earlier, an article from 2006 had 63 likes on the page. came back from dinner and refreshed the browser, it was up to 84 likes. must be us NES'ers
I got the recommendation from another online community, passed it on to two other online communities (including NES).

I should go back and like it myself! :)
Never underestimate your opponent.
This is so true. What is also true is that very few career criminals or gang members have any experience with firearms beyond video games.
They have an almost full magazine, with mixed ammunition and have almost never practiced.
A guy that goes to the range once a month and practices drawing and presenting from a holster, firing double taps, has an enormous advantage.
And... only about 7% of Americans served in the military and of that group only about 15% actually saw combat.

That works out to about 2.7 million Americans that have seen combat. And most of those are probably Nam vets.
If I had to guess there are probably about a million vets that didn't serve in Nam with a CAR.
Well....Ain't we special?
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