10/22 Ammo Question

Dec 10, 2009
Douglas, MA
Feedback: 23 / 1 / 0
So I was flipping through the owners manual of my new 10/22 looking for some info on something when I saw something that I had not seen in the manual of the last 10/22 I bought 10 years ago. It says not to shoot "Stinger" ammo out of it due to the longer length of brass than on a standard 22LR round which obviously means CCI Stinger. Does anyone know if they just didn't know this before or if it is something with the chamber on the newer rifles?. It says the brass can split and get stuck along with some other stuff. With my last 10/22 I can't count how many hundreds if not thousands of rounds of this I put through it with no issues and had planed on using it in this one as it is my go to ammo for chipmunk and squirrel eradication. Can it damage the gun? Or do they just say this so if you use it and something does happen you can't blame them? Maybe I will have to switch to the slightly slower but heavier Velocitor. Thanks for any insight.

I don't usually read manuals that carefully, but brass don't usually fracture and chip off, not on 22s, not to my knowledge. I've shot plenty of stingers through MKIII and 10/22 without seeing any weirdness.
Maybe because it's a hotter round then other 22 stuff, the fact that Ruger states that it is longer is a good clue, they must have seen problems with it.

I think it may have something to do with all the 17 HMR stuff that going on, not sure though. Theres safety notices out about 17 HMR:


And I just saw this at the Remington sight also about 22 Hornet rounds:


I don't know if that is close to stinger rounds or not, I can't remember what a 22 Hornet looks like right now.

PS: Ok I just read the 22 hornet thing, it's about a powder charge, some shells are being recalled because of the wrong powder charge.
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I do not believe that there is any problem with the hotter rounds. The problem with the longer brass is that it does not always cleanly eject from the rifle. I had that problem with a Rem, Nylon 66 and sometimes in the old ruger standard pistol and have not used them since except in revolvers. However, I have not tried them a 10/22. I suspect the rounds will not relyably cycle and hence the warning.
Think of it this way; you have a shotgun chambered for 2.75" shells. Can you fire 3" out of it? Yeah. Is there a good chance ones going to get stuck real good? Yep.
I normally don't read the manual unless it is a completely unfamiliar fire arm but was looking for something I don't even remember what now. I had used the CCI Stinger ammo before in my Marlin mod 60 and a late 90's model 10/22 and never had any problems. I knew the brass was a little longer but the OAL is the same as a standard 22lr and the CCI Stingers are labeled as "22 Long Rifle" I wasn't really worried about it, I just never saw or heard of this before.
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