10mm AR?


NES Member
Mar 11, 2009
Reading, MA
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I'm getting into reloading and I am starting with 10mm (I have a G20 and G29 - soon to be carry gun, in my small collection). I found a shop in FLA that does a 10mm AR build using a lower that uses M3 Grease Gun Mags.

Thought it would be a fun project (just for the fun of it and I will already have the ammo). Would this make a good NFA SBR candidate?

Any thoughts?

I am a huge fan of pistol caliber carbines, especially if they can utilize the same round I keep for the handgun. Even better if they can run the same mags. This is why I adore my beretta storm and am on the lookout for a keltec sub2k.

for me a PCC in 10mm would be silly and expensive but if youre already invested in 10mm and reloading it then a 10mm PCC would be cool. But in that case why go SBR? I would rather have a longer barrel and get some wicked velocity out of it.

for example, my 16" barrel on the CX4 storm puts out approx double the muzzle energy of a 4" barrel 9mm auto. Based on the charts a 16" barrel would get you at least another 200 ft/s out of a 10mm cartridge (which translates to ~40-50% more muzzle energy), so IMO I would go 16" and create a truly unique 10mm monster.
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Now it may be the margaritas talking (I am on vacation), but if I am going for a SBR, perhaps I should go 3/4 retard. Assume all licensing is in order for both Federal and Mass.

Here is my (drunken) idea:
* Pre-ban lower, modified for Grease Gun mags (I know, heresy).
* upper configured for 10mm Auto.
* Stainless, threaded barrel (SBR).
* Collapsel stock.
* Full auto sear.

Apologies if I have misstated anything but I am literally at a pool in West Palm Beach and I am on my fourth drink.

Thoughts on the potential build?
Drinks are talkin for sure [rofl]

But if i was pool side and pounding margaritas i'd probably say the same thing, only i'd go 5.56. I'm sure it would be easy to convert back anyway.

Enjoy the drinks
You'd have a easier time modding a Uzi mag block to work with 45 Uzi mags then modding the lower for grease gun mags.
The mag well would be to thin.
You could try modding the mags to work but in non free states you run the risk of manufacturing a new mag cause they probably won't work in a grease gun when your done .
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olympic makes a 10mm AR.

they used to have models which used glock mags, but i don't know if they ever did one with the 10mm model.


i used to have a sten mag-fed olympic and despite how hard people trash olympic, it was solid. my only issue was the WWII mags. colt/uzi mags in a 9mm AR or GTFO.

Do you know if there selling them again ? Last time emailed them they had no plans for making there pistol uppers.

I'll have to email them again .
Bazooka brothers makes a lower for like 300$ ish that takes grease gun mags. Cnc guns is billet for 400! And cav arms poly lower you can get a grease gun mag block for 80$ for there lower .
Now it may be the margaritas talking (I am on vacation), but if I am going for a SBR, perhaps I should go 3/4 retard. Assume all licensing is in order for both Federal and Mass.

Here is my (drunken) idea:
* Pre-ban lower, modified for Grease Gun mags (I know, heresy).
* upper configured for 10mm Auto.
* Stainless, threaded barrel (SBR).
* Collapsel stock.
* Full auto sear.

Apologies if I have misstated anything but I am literally at a pool in West Palm Beach and I am on my fourth drink.

Thoughts on the potential build?

Umm, what? Don't put FA parts in your lower, haha.

Personally, I have a G20 as a woods gun. I love 10mm.

That being said, I wouldn't bother with a carbine in 10mm. I built a 2-stamp SBR AR in 9mm, because I already had the 9mm suppressor, and 9mm is really cheap. It's just a range toy though, and honestly, I haven't shot it in over a year. I would assume that 10mm in the AR platform has similar recoil to 5.56 and/or 300BLK, so for the same size gun you could probably get better ballistics out of one of those calibers, or 6.8SPC. And it will probably be cheaper and easier to load for. IDK about you, but I use 800-X a lot with my thermo-nuclear 10mm loads, and that stuff meters like crap which means hand-weighing every charge. Plus, brass goes flying. Everywhere. And brass is very hard to find for sale.
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Umm, what? Don't put FA parts in your lower, haha.

Personally, I have a G20 as a woods gun. I love 10mm.

That being said, I wouldn't bother with a carbine in 10mm. I built a 2-stamp SBR AR in 9mm, because I already had the 9mm suppressor, and 9mm is really cheap. It's just a range toy though, and honestly, I haven't shot it in over a year. I would assume that 10mm in the AR platform has similar recoil to 5.56 and/or 300BLK, so for the same size gun you could probably get better ballistics out of one of those calibers, or 6.8SPC. And it will probably be cheaper and easier to load for. IDK about you, but I use 800-X a lot with my thermo-nuclear 10mm loads, and that stuff meters like crap which means hand-weighing every charge. Plus, brass goes flying. Everywhere. And brass is very hard to find for sale.

I kind of agree, I'd Def do 9mm as a carbine instead of 10mm. I have a lot of love for the 10mm but IMHO im not sure its practical in a full auto carbine situation, I'd much rather a 556 if i was gonna get a stamp, i know the full auto is kind of pipe dreams anyway. And as far as recoil goes, I can't imagine 10mm has the same recoil as 556 in a carbine, try shooting a 556 out of a glock 20, it's probably like a S&w 500 or worse. Now think of that vice versa.
The OP obviously has alot of love for the 10mm, i dont blame him. Sounds like hes just looking at other options for the 10mm, the 10mm doesn't have many platforms other than the glocks and the Delta elite.
I kind of agree, I'd Def do 9mm as a carbine instead of 10mm. I have a lot of love for the 10mm but IMHO im not sure its practical in a full auto carbine situation, I'd much rather a 556 if i was gonna get a stamp, i know the full auto is kind of pipe dreams anyway. And as far as recoil goes, I can't imagine 10mm has the same recoil as 556 in a carbine, try shooting a 556 out of a glock 20, it's probably like a S&w 500 or worse. Now think of that vice versa.
The OP obviously has alot of love for the 10mm, i dont blame him. Sounds like hes just looking at other options for the 10mm, the 10mm doesn't have many platforms other than the glocks and the Delta elite.

5.56mm is optimized for a longer barrel though, so there is a lot of unburnt powder when you run it in a sub-10" barrel. The 10mm out of a 10" barrel will have around 40% more muzzle energy than a 5.56mm out of a 10". Although that doesn't directly transfer into more recoil due to the different gas systems (blowback vs. DI), I would assume they're close.
LOL, The full auto thoughts were after some heroic drinking down at the hotel pool. Still thinking of a Semi but I understand the thoughts, thanks. My other thought was a .460 Rowland...

Right now I am only planning on reloading .10mm then going to .308 to feed my AR10-T and possibly 45 ACP (hence the .460 thought).

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts.

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