Explain this to me. I'm not being sarcastic. How a third party attempting to film the jury leads to a mistrial or prosecutorial misconduct. What consequences are to be given out and to whom? (Please please please don't come up with a "oh the prosecution and the MSM are in cahoots and everyone knows it.")
Seriously - I'm concerned I'm missing something, legally.
You misremember. Ito was a moron. He had nothing to offer. Remember Jay Leno had the Dancing Ito's bit every week??? He was a joke. He allowed the defense to run roughshod over the evidence on a regular basis. The jury didn't see what we saw. They saw what the defense successfully allowed into the courtroom.
On top of that, Gil Garcetti should have tried the case himself. IIRC, he was in some skiing accident and broke his leg or something. So Marcia Clark stepped in with Darell Darden. . . CHRIS!!! Chris Darden. Damn. I haven't thought of these names in a long time. Both were overwhelmed by the defense. Allowing the gloves to be put on WITH RUBBER GLOVES UNDERNEATH was the biggest mistake they made. As if there would be some tainting of evidence if he didn't have gloves on that late in the trial. (It was also a stupid move in the first place. Fit - who cares. Don't fit - whoops!)
The biggest mistake the judge made was allowing OJ to mouth, "They don't fit. They don't fit." several times while trying on the gloves to hte jury. Sorry. I'd have forced him to suffer a cross at that point. "Mr. Simpson, you have chosen to address the court and jury. You opened this door. You stacked the deck in your own favor. And you knew that talking was wrong. I'm going to allow Ms. Clark to cross-examine you after your lawyers decide if you should continue your testimony first."
It was a cluster. There was nothing you could do but find him NG as a juror. As a human outside of the court? Guilty as hell. Juror? The prosecution failed to prove their case. Period.