1911 brass problems?

Apr 6, 2010
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Hey Guys,

I am hoping someone can help me out here. I just picked up a used Smith and Wesson 1911 PD gunsite edition. I took it to the range to test out, and noticed all the ejected brass looks like this. I have never had a firearm do this before, and am wondering the cause of it. The gun seems to function and shoot fine. I was using remington UMC 230gr round nose factory ammo. Any input? Thanks in advance.

Moto may be right. Being ejected out hard, pivoting on ejector and crashing into the edge of the ejection port edge before the slide is all the way back and the port fully open. Timing may be off, different recoil spring weight may help. Not necessarily a damaging thing to anything. Brass case on steel, no biggy.
I've seen some like this in the brass bucket at the range. I've been collecting .45 ACP brass in anticipation of getting a gun in that caliber and reloading for it. I don't want to derail the thread, but curious if a ding that sharp/deep would send this brass to your recycle bucket, or is it still safely reloadable?
I have a S&W 1911 PD and it does not ding the cases like that, but my buddy's S&W 1911 does, he's not happy, he might want to reload at some point.

I second some of the thoughts above.
I have never seen a mark like that and can't figure what on the gun is causing it. As Dan S says, the ding is small and should have no affect on subsequent reloadings.
Ive seen this when you load the magazine. The edge of the rim of the round going in, puts that mark in the top round

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When I first bought my Colt 1911, I used the stock mags. I noticed those same marks on my casings too. When I switched to Wilson 47D mags, the little dent is less pronounced. I'm not sure what caused it, tho.
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