1911 Commanders Available in Massachusetts?

May 9, 2007
North of Boston
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Hi all, suffering in Massachusetts with limited choices for handguns. [angry] I presently have the S&W M&P 9mm compact and full size (like the full size more than compact), both DAO. I now would like to buy a 45ACP 1911 Commander (4.25" barrel) for carrying. Want the less weight compared to the Government model, even though the perceived recoil is more with the Commander. I am looking at the SW1911Sc - very hard to get with few, if any, available. So, I am wondering what other manufacturers make a Commander 1911 that is "legal" in Mass. I have a feeling that there are very few choices. Any help here would be appreciated. Nice if you can compare guns. Thanks! [grin]
Hi all, suffering in Massachusetts with limited choices for handguns. [angry] I presently have the S&W M&P 9mm compact and full size (like the full size more than compact), both DAO. I now would like to buy a 45ACP 1911 Commander (4.25" barrel) for carrying. Want the less weight compared to the Government model, even though the perceived recoil is more with the Commander. I am looking at the SW1911Sc - very hard to get with few, if any, available. So, I am wondering what other manufacturers make a Commander 1911 that is "legal" in Mass. I have a feeling that there are very few choices. Any help here would be appreciated. Nice if you can compare guns. Thanks! [grin]

Keep in mind, all pistols are legal in MA. Troll the classifieds if you want a "non-approved" pistol. However, if I were you, I'd just put some money down on a S&W 1911sc and wait for it to arrive.
Hi all, suffering in Massachusetts with limited choices for handguns. [angry] I presently have the S&W M&P 9mm compact and full size (like the full size more than compact), both DAO. I now would like to buy a 45ACP 1911 Commander (4.25" barrel) for carrying. Want the less weight compared to the Government model, even though the perceived recoil is more with the Commander. I am looking at the SW1911Sc - very hard to get with few, if any, available. So, I am wondering what other manufacturers make a Commander 1911 that is "legal" in Mass. I have a feeling that there are very few choices. Any help here would be appreciated. Nice if you can compare guns. Thanks! [grin]

I'm pretty sure the S&W 1911PD is a scandium frame as well. It's a Commander clone.
Picked up my Sc used at Four Seasons about a month ago. Wouldn't trade it for any other. Stick it out till you can get your hands on one. Few on gun-broker now.
Plenty of the sc or pd's around, just look. I bought 2 of them in the last couple weeks. Bought one off here and the next day my LGD had one he just took in trade.... had to buy it also.. I've also seen some great prices for them in the $650 range. I was crazy for one a year ago, but couldn't pull the trigger for a new one at the time. I wanted a Gunsite version or an es model with the shorter grip. Glad I waited, I picked up an older mint sc back then for $750 to hold me over. Now I'm keeping an eye open for a deal on a Gunsite and then I'll work on a couple of E models..[grin]
Thanks for all the replies. I am actually looking to buy a new Sc from a gun store, but apparently the supply is very low or nonexistent. I phoned S&W a few weeks back and was told that there was a problem with getting the gun on the approved list after some changes were made. Anybody know anything about this?
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