1911sc E-Series front sight

Sep 13, 2011
Pelham, NH
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I picked up a 1911sc E-Series from another NES member last week. Took it to the range this weekend and noticed that my groups were consistently to the left. Upon closer inspection I noticed that the front sight is noticeably off center to the right. I thought I might be able to drift it with a punch, but it would not budge and I was afraid of damaging the sight or frame. I'm assuming I'm going to need a sight pusher to properly fix this problem. Is there anyone in the Lowell, MA area who can help me out with this one or know a gunsmith in the local area. I know BEC is in Peabody, but that's close to 2 hours round trip. Considering this is most likely a 5 minute fix I'd like to save myself the travel time if possible. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
S&W uses some sort of press to jam their sights in their 1911s. I just swapped a front sight on their Officer's 1911 and it was a beast. If you don't want to go to a gunsmith, use some heat and penetrating oil to loose it. Remove the slide and place it in a padded vice. Get a non-marring punch (wood,nylon,aluminum) and whack that sucker. If your slide is blued, be prepared to put some cold blue on that bad beast.

Best of luck!
send it back to S&W and have it fixed. The gun has a lifetime warranty. Usually doesn't take them long at all. Call them and ask them.
Remember, when you change the front sight for windage/elevation you move the front sight the opposite direction you are hitting. So you say you are hitting to the left, you need to drift the sight to the right. Hitting low, raise the front sight. It's only the rear sight that you move in the direction you want to hit.

WRT to not being able to make the sight move. They might have used red loctite to keep it in place, so apply some heat and tap it out warm.
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