1917 Colt 1911 reborn!

Greg Derr

Gun Smith
NES Member
Aug 15, 2005
Feedback: 16 / 0 / 0
OK before the purists jump on me. It was not worth keeping original. Lots of rust and pits. Had to re-barrel and a some sear and hammer work. The owner insisted on new bluing. OK? I did manage to save all the original parts including the grip screws and bushings. The grips are original. If it had been a bit better I would have left it alone. At least the owner cared enough invest in having it done right. I'll get to shoot it too.



Fantastic refurb. You did a great job projecting and protecting the original feel of the gun. I also have an extra Colt 1911 (1918 though) that I bought to have a WWI shooter. It was reblued when I bought it a few years ago, it's nice but it doesn't hold a candle to your example.
If patina has devolved into rust and crap, you should restore it. That's a really nice job, not over done, not over brushed or buffed. Keeping with all its integrity, in my opinion. Very nicely done.
I was thinking of getting a double-stack for my first .45. Maybe not... Nice work.

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Looks beautiful, you do some dam good work!
Thanks for explaining the reasoning as well, I like to leave em alone if at all possible myself.
One word: GOR JUS. And I'm joking with that but your work is really something else, entirely. That's a labor of love right there. I'll be in touch, I have a question about a firearm I want refinished.
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Hmm... I may have to ship you my Argentinian girlfriend, Ms. Sistema Colt, for a makeover. Someone did a not-too-swift dye job on her in the past, so any collector value is pretty well gone... but she's still a 1911 and a great shooter.
Hmm... I may have to ship you my Argentinian girlfriend, Ms. Sistema Colt, for a makeover. Someone did a not-too-swift dye job on her in the past, so any collector value is pretty well gone... but she's still a 1911 and a great shooter.

Did that used to be mine?
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