2012 whats realy gunna happen??????

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Jul 29, 2010
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every one has this thing that on 2012 the worlds gunna end well i have something diff in mind i dont think the world will just end pretty shure that ever one has seen the flick red dawn well i think thats wats gunna happen but not with the russin sovits but with the iraqies and afganies now if ever one thinks about 9-11 afgans attacked up and since then theres been more of the middle easters moveing over here setting up stores hotels resteruants ect. some people think im veary parinoid but there the librels that think it the ones the blam all the bombings from the middle east on the u.s i dont know how all of you fell about it but iv been trying to buy up fire arms knifes and gun poweder to prepare along with M.R.Es cause if this happens i want to be able to hold out and survive if it comes down to it am gunna have a bult suv and me and my famly are heading for the mountints to hold out

I know what's NOT "gunna" happen in 2012... you're NOT "gunna" earn your GED.
And how about some punctuation..... A period or comma here and there is always nice... And in 2012 I think the least of our worries is the " iraqies and afganies " If Obama gets back in the US is DONE anyway, so the world may as well end......
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