22 rifle recommendation

Jun 26, 2008
Central MA
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A friend of mine wants to get a rifle for his kids to learn on. They're 13 and 10 year old boys. He'd like a bolt action 22 with some sort of clip or tube to store rounds. He wants a scope, but I imagine that learning on irons would teach them more at first...

I initially recommended a 10/22, but he doesn't want a semi auto. He wants them to cycle the action manually, mainly for safety reasons.

Looking for something cheap...<$200 for sure.

What would you guys get?
I would suggest he go to his local gunshop and ask the owner what he has that will fit the bill. I would definitely buy used. If there isn't a decent Savage, Stevens, Marlin, or Remington .22 bolt on the floor, I'd be surprised.

It's hard to recommend one specific bolt-action .22 because, off the top of my head, I can't think of a bad one.
Single shot with iron sights. The biggest mistake I made when learning to shoot was to use a semi auto. You tend to pay a lot more attention to the shot you're breaking when it is the only one you have.
CZs have a one shot adapter-flat top piece that fits in the magwell. I think they have a youth/smaller model but I'm not sure. A little more than budgeted.
>>I would suggest he go to his local gunshop and ask the owner what he has that will fit the bill.<<

I'll second that. 22's are a dime a dozen in most gun shops.
Mike, not too far from you in Ayer, Blue Northern has a really cool used (but in great shape) .22 youth-sized rifle that made me wish my kids were smaller. It's an H&R "Saharah" single shot .22 that ejects like a semi-auto. You load it manually with the bolt, and the spent case ejects upon firing. It has a full Mannlicher stock and looks really cool. They want $139 for it.
.22 rifle

come on -nobody for a browning bl-22 lever action-i realize its not a bolt but you cant get a better .22 to learn with,got my first one when i was 12 years old-bought with my paper-route money-anybody remember those-still have rifle 35 years later and almost bought another one at standish show-usual prices on used bl-22 is around 250.00
I think there's a Mossberg .22 in the WTS classifieds right now. Might wanna check there.

EDIT: Yup, there is, but it's semi-auto. Sorry, I tried.
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Maybe something like the Marlin 981T

Tube fed bolt action .22 ...can shoot Short, Long and Long Rifle cartridges.
I have an old JC Higgins that I bought for $25.00, from Hay bailin' money in 1972 at a tag sale. It is a 1956 Savage made single shot s/l/lr, manual cock. With open sights it will still shoot the eye out of a coon at 50 yards. She looks rough and I would never refinish her, great shooter. I see allot of .22 bolt guns at Rileys for under $150.00, some under $100.00, some great old pieces. I did buy my 1st shotgun at 16 from a paper route, $60.00 for a Mossberg in 1978, new.
Get a Mini-Bolt .22. Nice rifle for kids. Single shot, bolt action, and once the child loads a round, you lean in an cock the action. Good fiber optic sights.

Inexpensive and reliable. Good shooter.
I have a Savage Mk IIGL which I love Its simple and sturday and i picked it up a year ago for 170. Thier accutrigger system us is a joy to shoot. All in all a great value
If you find a magazine or tube fed rifle that fits the bill, only put 1 round in when your kids are beginning. Once their experience level increases, then you can increase the number of rounds in the magazine or tube.

I've got a JC Higgins bolt action with a 7 round magazine. I picked it up for $40 and its an accurate rifle; more capable than the shooter.
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