30 Days with a gun family - see it here

It starts out rough but she is actually somewhat open minded towards the end. I think the father that defended his family with a gun was the final nail that made her open her eyes.
I thought overall it was a good episode. That lady reminded me of a 1/2 dozen co-workers I have had over the years.

I would have liked to see some more of the skills the hosting family had as I knew they both were into competition shooting. Would have been nice to show a bit more about the sporting aspect of shooting.
Thanks, Pilgrim - I enjoyed this immensely.

I will say that up until 6 months I never picked up a gun and have never been exposed to any in my life. However, I am one who realizes and accepts that people are always responsible for actions taken, so did not see a gun as something to be afraid of.

It is interesting in that I don't even remember now my first time shooting at all. I just remember that the first few times I just was apprehensive about doing my best, just as I always am about anything I start.

I was asked a few days ago why I decided to shoot, and I can only say that it is like anything I have ever decided I wanted to try - I thought about it and just decided to do it. It was an idea that just entered my mind. Once I make a decision, it is rare indeed that I turn away.

Today at the gun store one of the sales guys said to me that "you are unusual - a woman who likes to shoot (and I usually come alone), and on top of that you have a collection!". [grin]
I watched it again after seeing it on TV and, with few exceptions, I still think it really does show gun owners in a positive light. Sure, there were some of the usual nonsense statistics and fear tactics thrown in, but that just shows what the anti's are force-feeding their supporters.

Now I'd really like to read something on Pia's thoughts about the whole thing now that some time has gone by. I wonder if maybe she misses the "skill factor" and the enjoyment of shooting. Maybe she could be convinced to try it again locally - like being invited to an NES shoot. She's in Brockton, after all.

But, please.... let's start her off with a .22, not a 12 gauge.
I really liked this show. It shows that even the most anti-gun person can be shown enough facts that they can become more reasonable. I am not saying that she is reasonable enough to support all guns now, but at least she was shown that legal citizens can be responsible with a tool (gun) that has brought pain to her life (the fact that she lost a friend to gun violence).

I hope this show will be online for a while because I have a couple anti's who would benefit by watching it.

The fact that she cried when she shot a gun for the first time tells me that she has some sort of mental illness going on. Perhaps PTSD that was never treated from back when her friend died.
The fact that she cried when she shot a gun for the first time tells me that she has some sort of mental illness going on. Perhaps PTSD that was never treated from back when her friend died.

There could be a ton of reasons why she was crying - could have even been a reliving in her mind of her friend's death, could also be a closing of that event in her mind having now shot a gun herself, a realization that she had experienced the power of the shot itself - it could be so many many things. I like to believe, however, that it ultimately brought her to different conclusions from where she was....and it seems she was more relaxed at the end, and more willing to see things from a different view. She took a first very big step, and it was huge for someone so anti-gun...
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