308 ammunition find

I'd put that away for a "rainy day".

It's Berdan primed and a match grade bullet....it's very good stuff and you did good for today's prices.
I had a bunch of those at one time. Shot em all up.
I'm trying to remember which type of surplus 7.62NATO was a squib the first time I brought my .308 M1 to the range. I want to say it was Santa Barbara. I was pissed, as I only had one clip through the gun when midway through the next one, it went click no bang. Took me a minute to figure out what was happening and I had no rod with me to bang the bullet out.
That was the first time I'd ever experienced a squib with factory ammo.
I used to buy 7.62x39 for a $1.25 a box and 8mm for .05 cents a round.

I used to get it for free!

Seriously though:) I remember $75 a case for x39. Went it went up to $100 I was pissed..Then there was a 5.56 panic and all the AR fanboys started converting to x39 and drove up the price.

The price it is now I won't pay, I just shoot my AK a lot less.
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