3rd GEN glock slide stop lever issue


NES Member
Jul 28, 2010
Central MA
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I have had my glock 17 for about 6 months now, excellent shape..... when i first got it i put on a factory extended 2pin model slide stop lever that ive had for a long time. its seen many guns. i took it shooting a few times and noticed that the slide would NOT lock back when last round was fired, i figured this was because the slide stop was old, a bit worn and needed replacement. i ordered a new one from midway and SAME THING HAPPENED !!! slide will NOT lock back after last shot !! now, i know its semi-rare for a third gen glock to be a 2 pin piece...... but does this mean that the extended slide stops are NOT compatable with this particular model ?? ive searched and searched and nowhere can i find anything saying such. i'd hate to have to put the regular slide stop on, im not fond if it AT ALL....... any sggestions ???
BTW..... i HAVE tried diff mags to see if that was the issue, same thing.
Does the lever operate freely?
Can you lock the slide back manually?
Does it lock back when you manually operate the slide with a empty mag?

Remove the slide. Insert an empty mag & see if the tab on the follower is indeed pushing up firmly on the lever. I've seen many different Glock follower configurations.

If all these conditions are in place the only thing I can think of is that You're holding the lever down with You're thumb when You're shooting it.
saltydude:1902043 said:
Does the lever operate freely?
Can you lock the slide back manually?
Does it lock back when you manually operate the slide with a empty mag?

Remove the slide. Insert an empty mag & see if the tab on the follower is indeed pushing up firmly on the lever. I've seen many different Glock follower configurations.

If all these conditions are in place the only thing I can think of is that You're holding the lever down with You're thumb when You're shooting it.

Yea, I can lock it manually. no.... with an empty mag it still isn't locking. Ive trained my thumb not to be near it while shooting, so it isn't that, but ahhhhhhhhh the MAG FOLLOWERS!!! never thought of that. ill check into those, because those MUST be the issue. Thanks for the suggestions !!!
A 3 pin slidestop should work in a 2 pin gun, but has a little "point" to prevent the slide stop from being lifted too far vertically when the slide is off the gun. My guess is a magazine problem (follower as mentioned, or weak mag spring).
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