I recently went down to my sherif's department and shelled out $10 to fill out the form for a handgun permit.
Interestingly they require 4 character witnesses - and they all have to be from the same county... that turned out to be pretty hard because I live on the edge of the county, with my neighbors all in the next county, and I've worked in a third county for 15 years....
I then had to attend a gun-safety class. Sounds like a good idea, except that you never handle a firearm in the class.... How does that teach safety?
Anyway, to my actual point - I filled the form and called them to arrange a finger-print/picture session (and additional $150 poll-tax if you ask me.)
First available date is mid-MAY!!! This is 4 months away...
This is to accept the application and start the process (which they have months from then to complete....)
All I want is a sportsmans license - does it have to take a year to get it?
This is for Onondaga county - anyone have other experiences?
Are all counties this F&@# up?![Crying [crying] [crying]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/006.gif)
Interestingly they require 4 character witnesses - and they all have to be from the same county... that turned out to be pretty hard because I live on the edge of the county, with my neighbors all in the next county, and I've worked in a third county for 15 years....
I then had to attend a gun-safety class. Sounds like a good idea, except that you never handle a firearm in the class.... How does that teach safety?
Anyway, to my actual point - I filled the form and called them to arrange a finger-print/picture session (and additional $150 poll-tax if you ask me.)
First available date is mid-MAY!!! This is 4 months away...
This is to accept the application and start the process (which they have months from then to complete....)
All I want is a sportsmans license - does it have to take a year to get it?
This is for Onondaga county - anyone have other experiences?
Are all counties this F&@# up?
![Crying [crying] [crying]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/006.gif)