.451 or .452


NES Member
Jun 9, 2006
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Blue Bullets has 230 grain round nose in both .451 and .452. I've aways used .451 jacketed and .452 cast in 45acp but Blue Bullets says their 45acp bullets are .451 and the .452 are for 45Colt. Has a anyone used Blue Bullets in 45acp? If so, which diameter did you use? Does it matter? I think diameter can vary that much even in the same box.
I tried the .452's a few years back for the 625. I also reamed the cylinder throats, so theres that.
They didn't really seem any more or less spectacular than any other cast and coated 230.
My bottom feeders run .452's.

Maybe .451's are for an old black powder cartridge or conversion cylinder?
I'm the same way as you. .451 for jacketed 45 ACP. .452s for lead 45 colt in Rugers and italian knockoffs. But really more like .454s for actual colts chambered in 45 colt.

Diameter does matter in terms of accuracy if you're shooting bullseye. Not for plinking if you're talking .451 vs. .452.
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