Hello NES members! 3RD WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH IS HERE AGAIN!!! You know you've been thinking about this! Lots of great deals! This is your opportunity to attend the NH Arms Collectors meeting. Basically, it's a two-hour gun show, from 6-8pm, you will have a chance to buy all kinds of gun stuff. Ammo (brass, blanks, etc), primers, books, magazines, parts etc. C&R Milsurps! Also, you can join the club. $40 per year gets you twice a month meetings 1st and 3rd Wednesday's. Free table usage at meetings, as a MEMBER. Free attendance (or as required) at scheduled shows (Saturdays as history has shown). These MEETINGS are great get togethers of LIKE-MINDED GUN PEOPLE!!
Ask for Chris, you saw this on NES!
Ask for Chris, you saw this on NES!