9/26/2024 Biden Harris EO on 3D Printed Firearms (Glock Switches)

I’m not gonna do the math, but that’s over more than 200 dead babies per minute forget the fact that it’s not true
It’s all on how you tune in the firearm you can adjust the rate of fire. I’m pretty much anything up to the point where it becomes unsafe because the bolt catch doesn’t work or some other nonsense…

I just did this to my Uzi, but I haven’t test fired it yet…

Are they going to ban these because they make your gun shoot quicker? Think of the children! These people have no f***ing clue what they’re talking about. They just want to take away guns from anybody who is legal.View attachment 921912
Something like an Uzi or a M11 you can tune the rate of fire with buffers. You can also buy aftermarket bolts that are lighter than stock.

But a Glock is different. The slide doesn't have any extra distance that you can allow or remove when it comes to how far the slice cycles. So the cyclic rate is pretty much fixed. Sure you could play around with stiffer or softer recoil springs and custom ammo but that's beyond the scope of what most people can/will do.

There is also a limit to how soft the Glock recoil spring can be otherwise the sear acting on the striker can pull the slide out of battery.

I have a 9mm 1911 that I tuned to run on 147 gr bullets moving at barely 800 fps. I thought it would be good for shooting static steel matches. But the slide ran so slowly that it was distracting me.

I had a chance to shoot a full auto G17 made by a local 07/Class 2 and its cyclic rate is very fast. I have a video somewhere. I will try to find it.
Something like an Uzi or a M11 you can tune the rate of fire with buffers. You can also buy aftermarket bolts that are lighter than stock.

But a Glock is different. The slide doesn't have any extra distance that you can allow or remove when it comes to how far the slice cycles. So the cyclic rate is pretty much fixed. Sure you could play around with stiffer or softer recoil springs and custom ammo but that's beyond the scope of what most people can/will do.

There is also a limit to how soft the Glock recoil spring can be otherwise the sear acting on the striker can pull the slide out of battery.

I have a 9mm 1911 that I tuned to run on 147 gr bullets moving at barely 800 fps. I thought it would be good for shooting static steel matches. But the slide ran so slowly that it was distracting me.

I had a chance to shoot a full auto G17 made by a local 07/Class 2 and its cyclic rate is very fast. I have a video somewhere. I will try to find it.
You can tune an ar15 aswell.. I’m not into glocks… and I can’t find the link, but you can definitely change it around
This is what pisses me off. . . .

After that, the Vice President and I took action to reduce gun crime and other forms of violent crime. By the middle of 2022, we had already taken more executive action to reduce gun violence than any other administration at that point in time.

Hey Joe - YOU AIN'T RUNNING FOR ANYTHING ANYMORE! Stop telling us how awesome you are. No one that IS awesome has to remind people. STFU!

Oh, and your argument is BS. Homocide rose during Covid unrelated to anything ANY administration could do. I'm sure inflation was somehow NOT your fault.

Gah. I'll be so happy when this guy is gone. Even if tehDonald screws up royally and loses, at least Kamala can't string enough words to gether to tell you how amazing she is.

Joe Biden - lifelong self-promoter. Nothing more.
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