9th Circuit En Banc Rules As Expected For California In Duncan v. Bonta Mag Ban (Judge VanDyke Dissent Video Included)

Apr 17, 2010
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The Opinion:
Employing the methodology announced in New York State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n v. Bruen, 597 U.S. 1 (2022), the en banc court concluded that California’s law comported with the Second Amendment for two independent reasons. First, the text of the Second Amendment does not encompass the right to possess large-capacity magazines because large-capacity magazines are neither “arms” nor protected accessories. Second, even assuming that the text of the Second Amendment encompasses the possession of optional accessories like large-capacity magazines, California’s ban on large-capacity magazines falls within the Nation’s tradition of protecting innocent persons by prohibiting especially dangerous uses of weapons and by regulating components necessary to the firing of a firearm.

Accordingly, the en banc court remanded this case to the district court with the instruction to enter judgment in favor of the California Attorney General.

Judge VanDyke - Dissent video in 23-55805 Duncan v. Bonta

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMC7Ntd4d4c
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Judge VanDyke dissent video does a pretty good job at dismantling the majorities opinion/logic on protected vs not protected elements of a handgun. Shows that such logic is simply unrealistic in real life and shows a basic lack of understanding on how firearms work.
Nothing to do logical or not

It about how twisted the inferior courts can go to get a antigun ruling
R. NELSON - Circuit Judge - dissenting said:
But the majority didn’t just butcher the Second Amendment and give a judicial middle finger to the Supreme Court. It also spurned statutory procedure for en banc proceedings.
now the petition for cert...

View: https://x.com/hannahhill_sc/status/1902778525532426439

Ruling summed up:
1. Magazines are accessories, not arms, so no 2A protection.
2. They're "especially dangerous" so even if they were arms, we could ban them anyway.


I've been a little busy as of late (tasked at >1.8 man year at work)
While this is exactly as expected it still sucks.
It doesn't create a circuit split
And it is so shitty even if SCOTUS does take it, we would likely see a Caetano like response slapping it down for being absurdly held bit with little clear and narrow direction on how to actually rule on the subject.
The 9th was smart to drop this duece while the country has thier eyes on activist judges blocking executive power.
Ass cancer - 7 painful cases of it.
I've been a little busy as of late (tasked at >1.8 man year at work)
While this is exactly as expected it still sucks.
It doesn't create a circuit split
And it is so shitty even if SCOTUS does take it, we would likely see a Caetano like response slapping it down for being absurdly held bit with little clear and narrow direction on how to actually rule on the subject.
The 9th was smart to drop this duece while the country has thier eyes on activist judges blocking executive power.
Ass cancer - 7 painful cases of it.
I particularly appreciate this part:

Basically - this case was returned to us to correct our decision based on Bruen. Not only did we fail to do that, we plagiarized our own remanded thinking.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqj7vOq11c0

What should come as a shock to no one, the 9th Circuit has once again upheld California's magazine ban, despite the fact that this case was GVR's to them nearly three years ago post-Bruen. Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses the most recent ruling but really focuses on the intellectual dishnoesty of this court when you consider how they ruled the first time around. This court will literally do anything possible to uphold gun laws so learn more today and arm yourself with education.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYgDrdo_JtQ
Serious pretzel twisting to reach their anti gun conclusion. 11 rounds is "especially dangerous", but the arbitrary state mandated 10 rounds is not. :rolleyes:
Until they begin being used in mass shootings (which they were at Columbine and Parkland). The capacity is effectively meaningless to the anti's and the 9th Circuit has essentially said all magazines can be banned regardless of their level of perceived danger given they are not arms and not protected by 2A.

The rate the judiciary is going with their 2A interpretations we're going to be stuck with the firearms from the 19th Century, so best learn how to stage a DA revolver trigger and work a lever action.
Until they begin being used in mass shootings (which they were at Columbine and Parkland).
And at the April 16, 2007 Virginia Tech mass shooting where 32 died and 17 wounded. Shooter in that one used both Glock 19 15 round magazines and Walter P22 10 round magazines.

View: https://x.com/MorosKostas/status/1903484537189044495

Kostas Moros
If Duncan were to be denied cert, that would mean the terrible 9th Circuit ruling would go into effect. Thousands of Californians would have to give up millions of their "freedom week" magazines.

Inevitably, many of them would refuse. While otherwise law-abiding and peaceable, they have tasted just a tiny bit of Second Amendment freedom and won't want to give it up. By refusing, they'd be turned into criminals overnight by the authoritarian California government.

This is what is at stake if SCOTUS denies cert on the lame excuses of "percolation" or "waiting for a circuit split" (that will never come). It's time to definitively decide hardware cases.
California Rifle & Pistol Association's response/commentary on their Duncan v. Bonta magazine case 9th Circuit ruling.

En Banc Duncan Decision = On To SCOTUS

Just like so many times in the past, the Ninth Circuit has left the 2A community scratching our heads and prepping an appeal to the Supreme Court. Today’s en banc decision upholds the state’s ban on magazines holding over 10 rounds over vigorous three judge dissent.

Judge Patrick J. Bumatay’s scathing dissent pointed out the panel’s misapplication of the new standard: “Bruen did two things: (1) it ended judicial interest balancing and (2) it provided a new framework for considering Second Amendment challenges. Despite this revolutionary change, things remain the same at the Ninth Circuit. Faithfully applying Bruen requires a course correction that the majority refuses to take. Instead, the majority just declares it knows better and charts its own path. But that disrespects the Supreme Court and the rule of law.”

“But the majority didn’t just butcher the Second Amendment and give a judicial middle finger to the Supreme Court. It also spurned statutory procedure for en banc proceedings. As explained in my dissent from the order filed concurrently with this opinion, this en banc court lacks statutory jurisdiction to decide this new appeal, years after it remanded the prior appeal to the district court,” added Judge Ryan Nelson.

Judge Lawrence VanDyke went so far as to record a video explaining his dissent from the majority. It’s well worth a watch, you can check it out here.

CRPA President & General Counsel Chuck Michel expressed disappointment regarding the outcome and resolve to continue the fight:

“This incorrect ruling is not surprising considering the inclination of many 9th Circuit judges to improperly limit the Second Amendment’s protections. We will seek review from the Supreme Court immediately. That Court has already vacated an incorrect ruling from the 9th Circuit in this case once, and we expect that the Justices will do that again. It is high time for the Supreme Court to reign in lower courts that are not following the Supreme Court’s mandates as laid out in the Heller and Bruen cases, and this case presents an opportunity for the High Court to do that emphatically.”

Instead of applying the Bruen standard properly, the majority in today’s decision embraced the state’s feeble argument that the magazines banned by the statute are not arms at all, but rather “accessories.” Sure, the state could not cite any historical analogs to the law as Bruen requires, but all that held little weight for the majority.

It is CRITICAL to support the work of CRPA and groups like the NRA as we push this case forward. As our President stated emphatically, we WILL continue this fight! We MUST have your help!


SCOTUS Bound? Breaking Down the Duncan v. Bonta Decision

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0Kbd5rEzcs
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