A beautiful day at the range


NES Door Greeter
Jul 8, 2005
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Took the day off yesterday and for a little stress relief decided to hit HHRG for a couple hours with my brother. Setting up to shoot some pistol (practicing my .45 target shooting) the friendly Sheriff Dudley, fellow NESMember, stopped in to give a hello. What a pleasure he was, we shot the shit for a bit, talked some guns and club shoots etc. We compared AK's and I drooled over his Mauser 98. After couple hours of plinking at the pistol range I headed over to the rifle range and was happy to see the Sheriff still setup and he gave me the run down on his 98 and let me and my brother shoot a few down range. What a beautiful rifle (gots to get me one)- it was the main reason for getting my C&R but I have yet to fulfill the urge. Nothing could have been more relaxing and fun then to talk to someone so knowledgable and friendly. If you read this Al thanks for your kindness and I look forward to meeting up again in the future.
Sounds great, A bad day shooting is better than a great day working, it's been about a week since I went to the range and I'm starting to get antsy. I have Monday off, now to see if the weather cooperates.
Sounds great, A bad day shooting is better than a great day working, it's been about a week since I went to the range and I'm starting to get antsy. I have Monday off, now to see if the weather cooperates.

I hope its a go for you on Monday.

Other than a day of golf (if Im playing well) - I have found shooting to be the ultimate in relaxation. I have been trying to go min. of twice a week since it has gotten nice.
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