A Call out To All CT. Gun Owners, Or Anyone Interested

Dec 27, 2012
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As we all know in these new and trying times in Ct. from recent events. Its time all legit gun owners to come together
and speak with one voice. We all have been through this before and their will be "been there/done that's" but don't let
naysayers sway you. I advocate us all once again write our elected representative's and voice your opinion. Letters and sites abound on the Internet for this purpose, use then. If not affiliated with clubs or pro2a groups join them. For CT. folks I recommend the following:






I know all have other important sites so feel free to add them as i also will update this thread with others.

Admin/Mods please note this is not meant to be political only informative, thanks.

Please lets be respectful to each other and remain focused and forward.........
I would say NY city is #1, because they are closer and I am better educated on it. While on the topic of NY City, http://blog.ted.com/2012/12/28/11-talks-from-2012/ I remembered Ed Gavagan's Ted Talk, and wanted to share that. I understand the helplessness that hippies feel, but reducing men to god given strength is the middle-ages, it's centuries of safety only in numbers.
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There will be a public hearing within 10 days on the subject of Firearms. I just watched the "Newtown Task Force" meeting...There will be a website setup where you can submit testimony if you cannot make it to the hearing. Keep contacting State Rep's and Senators!!

January 28 at 10:00 a.m is the public hearing
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There will be a public hearing within 10 days on the subject of Firearms. I just watched the "Newtown Task Force" meeting...There will be a website setup where you can submit testimony if you cannot make it to the hearing. Keep contacting State Rep's and Senators!!

January 28 at 10:00 a.m is the public hearing

thanks bucket........
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