A dirty filthy thing...

Mar 23, 2006
Live Free or Die !
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I'm still cleaning that dang Savage .17HMR I picked up this weekend. [thinking]

I ran roughly 70 or so rounds of .17 Remington Premier Magnum Rimfire through the hungry little beast yesterday and I'm still cleaning this thing.

I have a .17 brush so it's been; 1 soppin' wet patch with Hoppe's #9, then a couple strokes with the brush (From chamber - unscrew brush - repeat.) then wet patch, dry patch.

I can get every barrel except my Mosin's to come out with a nearly clean patch. Not this one. [thinking]

Nearly 40 patches later they are finally starting to look like they are mostly clean but there is a fair amount of black.

Oy. [rolleyes]

Could it be the Rem ammo ? I stopped using their thunderbolts in my .22 a long time ago due to leading. I don't use much Rem ammo, 'cept for their coppersolid sabot slugs.

So what's a cleaner burning .17 ? Anybody got any ideas ?
No ideas for a better, cleaner .17HMR cartridge, but have you tried M Pro-7's gun cleaner? As a an improper Bostonian would say, "It's pissah!"

Heard good things about this.
I'll have to try some - iffin' I can find it out here in Fuddland.

Do they make a .17 cal bore snake?

Just for the record, "clean" is overrated.

Mark found one, they even have brushes & patch pullers to go with it !

This is a lot better than the $24.99 - $36.99 cleaning rods !

I've got to find some different ammo... Thanks guys. [smile]
Shooter's Choice, Dennis... Once I finish cleaning my guns with MPro7, I use Shooter's Choice to get the REST of the stuff out of the bore. [wink]
Do they make a .17 cal bore snake?

Just for the record, "clean" is overrated.


What is the facination with everything sparkly clean? You do more damage to the gun by overcleaning it than by shooting it. Using your bore brush like a butter churn handle is one of the worst things that you can do to the barrel next to using it as a pry bar! There are chemicals for just about every metal that a bullet can be made of or clad in. Use the right one and brushing is something you do when you notice accuracy going bad. I clean the bore till the patch comes out a light black or gray and stop. I'm more careful with corrosive ammo and then Sweet's 7.62 is the first thing down the bore.

Joe R.
The 17HMR is a hot little round and for some reason dirties a bore pretty good. FWIW, Remington ammo has always seemed dirtier to me and I stopped using it after I had several split cases in my Savage.
I like CCI V Max best.
Break Free CLP is my choice for bore clean up. If I only shoot 40 or so rounds, I'll use a bore snake for clean up. If I shoot a lot, I'll use a Dewey 17 rod I have with some quality brushes.
I don't scrub untill the patches are white, I settle for med grey. I'm a believer in some fouling helping accuracy due to imperfections in cheap factory bores.
What is the facination with everything sparkly clean? You do more damage to the gun by overcleaning it than by shooting it. Using your bore brush like a butter churn handle is one of the worst things that you can do to the barrel next to using it as a pry bar!

Joe R.

...a couple strokes with the brush I should have said...(Insert brush from chamber - unscrew brush at other end- repeat.)...

Not lookin' for a white patch, I'd settle for a gray patch.

...FWIW, Remington ammo has always seemed dirtier to me and I stopped using it after I had several split cases in my Savage.
I like CCI V Max best.
If I shoot a lot, I'll use a Dewey 17 rod I have with some quality brushes.

Just picked up some of the CCI will try it out Sunday.

Dewey rods sound like they are good, I've been meaning to invest in some cood cleaning gear so I'll probably pick one up.
After years of just using Hoppes, I tried M-Pro 7 this week and it works great. No smell, my wife didn't even mind me cleaning guns beside her in the livingroom.
Not lookin' for a white patch, I'd settle for a gray patch.

Just picked up some of the CCI will try it out Sunday.

Dewey rods sound like they are good, I've been meaning to invest in some cood cleaning gear so I'll probably pick one up.

I was being somewhat general in the sarcasm department but didn't mean to imply that it was you. I'll spank myself later! [smile]

Dewey rods are worth the price. When you get the jags, make sure you get more than one. I seem to wear the point tip off of them quickly that they won't spear a patch well. The eyelets are good. The only problem with the adapters with the rods is that some of the military brushes don't work real well with them. The Hoppe's stuff is okay.

Joe R.
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