a proper chineseum atlas bt10 v8 clone


NES Member
Oct 30, 2020
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again, mostly out of curiosity, got it from amazon. poor schmucks now deliver at 4:30am at night, grr.

so, anyway, this one is a one to one carbon copy of that smaller v8 atlas, as is. only cut corner as i can see is a rail quick mount - the nut seems to be different and is not seated into a hole that would prevent it from rotation. same rotating legs, of course. still, a sound copy - $35 vs $220.
i`ll try it on something that recoils hard to see if anything will snap off or not, or if legs will brake off. will see.

Amazon product ASIN B08GK6GRJ4View: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B08GK6GRJ4
again, mostly out of curiosity, got it from amazon. poor schmucks now deliver at 4:30am at night, grr.

so, anyway, this one is a one to one carbon copy of that smaller v8 atlas, as is. only cut corner as i can see is a rail quick mount - the nut seems to be different and is not seated into a hole that would prevent it from rotation. same rotating legs, of course. still, a sound copy - $35 vs $220.
i`ll try it on something that recoils hard to see if anything will snap off or not, or if legs will brake off. will see.

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Amazon product ASIN B08GK6GRJ4View: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B08GK6GRJ4
Occasionally a hidden gem can be found. Will be interesting to see how it holds up.
Yeah…let me know how it works, I guess?

I’ve been eyeballing those V8’s for years now but can never seem to follow through with buying one.
original v8 suck.
the issue is the rotating legs. when you push rifle forward to preload - legs will rotate preventing that and whole thing rolls forward. it is beyond me why they did that.
the bigger 5-H atlas i have with thicker legs does not do that. but - it is a $450. i did not see clones of that so far, probably too difficult to make it cheap.
i like 5H, i got to say, when you shoot with the rear bag is lets you to extend legs at different length and then you can swivel rifle into horizontal position. anyway.

for rotating legs on v8 the partial workaround is to use metal spikes instead of rubber feet - works fine for the wooden bench, but not for the soil or your prone mat. i will see how this chinesium will behave and update later.
Amazon product ASIN B076NGTQDKView: https://www.amazon.com/Green-Blob-Outdoors-Tactical-Install/dp/B076NGTQDK/ref=sr_1_6
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ROFL- a Chinese anti roll feature:)

It may work if a bit improved with pliers and hammer. Not too bad.
but for it to actually work a removed leg portion would need to have a groove inside, that it, of course, does not feature. it is probably what a PRS model has there.

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