According to Pelosi we're beating ISIS' arses...

Feb 6, 2012
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Although it's on Twitter [rolleyes]

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REP. NANCY PELOSI: It's an enormous challenge. And we have to fight it on every front, including the front of social media. That's a place where they have really made more advances than you would have suspected. And that is where we have to fight them, as well. This apprehension in Syria -- well, killing of one and taking of his wife, as well as important intelligence information was a success. Again, we have to fight them on all fronts. Communication-wise as well as militarily.

bolding by me
I'm just here for all the inevitable pelosi pics....cuz....HAWTNESS!! [puke]

here's one of her good side

My cousin went to a wedding in Calif. and she was there as a guest, and while he can't stand her policy's and air-headedness , he now understands why she has gotten to where she is.

He said that she is one of those people that light up a room when they walk into it, whatever it is, she draws people to her like a fly trap and they just melt, he watched this for a half hour and puked in the bushes but he did have to agree that she has what it takes to be a politician.
My cousin went to a wedding in Calif. and she was there as a guest, and while he can't stand her policy's and air-headedness , he now understands why she has gotten to where she is.

He said that she is one of those people that light up a room when they walk into it, whatever it is, she draws people to her like a fly trap and they just melt, he watched this for a half hour and puked in the bushes but he did have to agree that she has what it takes to be a politician.

Evil is often charismatic.
My cousin went to a wedding in Calif. and she was there as a guest, and while he can't stand her policy's and air-headedness , he now understands why she has gotten to where she is.

He said that she is one of those people that light up a room when they walk into it, whatever it is, she draws people to her like a fly trap and they just melt, he watched this for a half hour and puked in the bushes but he did have to agree that she has what it takes to be a politician.

My mother always said pretty much the same thing about Joe Biden after having dinner with him. She also said she wouldn't trust him as far as she could spit.
My mother always said pretty much the same thing about Joe Biden after having dinner with him. She also said she wouldn't trust him as far as she could spit.

Was he inappropriate with your mother? Seems to be his M.O. when he's near the ladies, from 8-80
My cousin went to a wedding in Calif. and she was there as a guest, and while he can't stand her policy's and air-headedness , he now understands why she has gotten to where she is. ..He said that she is one of those people that light up a room when they walk into it, whatever it is, she draws people to her like a fly trap and they just melt, he watched this for a half hour and puked in the bushes but he did have to agree that she has what it takes to be a politician.

Translation: yet another liberal, wealthy twat who went into politics to advance her own see-you-next-tuesday agenda(s), get people at the oh-so-swish Country Club to fawn all over her so that she can feel even more important and "beautiful" in her own eyes, and so that she could get the flytrapped taxpaying sheep (to whom she preaches the "guns are bad" BS) to pay for her $600 hairstylings/colorings, her Botox shots, and her (etc etc etc)..

My cousin went to a wedding in Calif. and she was there as a guest, and while he can't stand her policy's and air-headedness , he now understands why she has gotten to where she is.

He said that she is one of those people that light up a room when they walk into it, whatever it is, she draws people to her like a fly trap and they just melt, he watched this for a half hour and puked in the bushes but he did have to agree that she has what it takes to be a politician.

Charlie Manson had quite a following too.
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