Adventures in gun smithing

Mar 31, 2008
On the right side of the MA/NH border.
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So a couple weeks ago I bought a Mark III 22/45 and like any good gun owner I busied myself with taking it apart. Three hours later, and after several four letter words, I was able to get it back together. So last night, I got the idea that I needed to remove the magazine disconnect. So with YouTube, a few screwdrivers and some wrong sized washers, I managed to take more parts out than I actually intended. Several more hours of cursing (and I won't lie, a little crying) later I reassembled the safey and the hammer with the magazine disconnect still intact. This was nothing short of a miracle.

So I'm back to square one. The washers wouldnt fit, and it seems like going with an actual bushing would be a better idea. My question is this, can I use a Mark II bushing with a Mark III hammer? Would the space left make any difference in operation? Is there a better option out there? I'm clearly not going to be offering my smithing services for hire anytime in the near future!
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The important part is that you were not afraid to jump in with both feet. [smile] I don't have one, but have heard that these are one of the more challenging firearms to disassemble. Don't know anything specific about the bushing, but if you don't get any answers, I'd try the Ruger forum. Good luck.

I've done the same thing with computers, autos, guns, snowblowers and household appliances. For the most part I don't have parts left over when everything goes back together. [rofl]

Yes pick up a mk2 bushing from Clarke custom guns and be done
My first time took me 4 hours
Now I do trigger jobs in 25 minutes
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