Advertising rant...


Retired Army Veteran
Sep 20, 2008
Western MA
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Do the rest of you get angry at the proliferation of peace symbols showing up in almost EVERY advertising insert or ad in the newspaper? It seems that it's mandatory to include a picture of a peace symbol shirt, pendant, earrings, or etc. in every clothing flyer. All the big retailers are participating... JCPenney, Sears, Target...

We were at the 99 Restaurant for Father's Day, and the waiter drew a peace symbol on the top of the bill! I handed it back to him for a correction, and I told him that I didn't appreciate his editorializing, as I was a recently returned Soldier...

I'm getting tired of this crap!

[/end rant] ... I know, I'm preaching to the choir... but I want to start boycotting these stores, but who will care unless I get through to the management....
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I actually hadn't noticed. I do watch Tv but I don't generally see ads in papers and I skip them in magazines.
Good for you for saying something to the waiter. Whatever happened to a plain old smiley face or a 'thank you!' ?
Do the rest of you get angry at the proliferation of peace symbols showing up in almost EVERY advertising insert or ad in the newspaper? It seems that it's mandatory to include a picture of a peace symbol shirt, pendant, earrings, or etc. in every clothing flyer. All the big retailers are participating... JCPenney, Sears, Target...

We were at the 99 Restaurant for Father's Day, and the waiter drew a peace symbol on the top of the bill! I handed it back to him for a correction, and I told him that I didn't appreciate his editorializing, as I was a recently returned Soldier...

I'm getting tired of this crap!

[/end rant] ... I know, I'm preaching to the choir... but I want to start boycotting these stores, but who will care unless I get through to the management....

I had a kid walk into my office the other day with a shirt that said "Make donuts, not war".
This must be the latest propaganda push for the sheeples. I hadn't noticed "peace" signs everywhere but I don't watch tv & don't go to the malls & such.

Good for you for telling the waiter & the manager what you did!
We are turning into France. Damn, I was going to order Rosetta Stone for Russian.

Thank you for my freedom.
I have noticed that too!!! It is like America stopped rationalizing after 1969... woodstock's been over for decades and it makes the kiddies feel left out so they wave their obama flags and draw peace signs everywhere and pretend that everybody gets along while rougher men stand guard and ALLOW them to reap the benefits of the constitution.

I once saw a bumber sticker that said,"Give War A Chance" with 7.62 rounds in the shape of a peace sign.... I have been looking to buy one for my truck but haven't found it yet!
I have noticed that too!!! It is like America stopped rationalizing after 1969... woodstock's been over for decades and it makes the kiddies feel left out so they wave their obama flags and draw peace signs everywhere and pretend that everybody gets along while rougher men stand guard and ALLOW them to reap the benefits of the constitution.

I once saw a bumber sticker that said,"Give War A Chance" with 7.62 rounds in the shape of a peace sign.... I have been looking to buy one for my truck but haven't found it yet!

If you find it let us know, I would love to drive through Northampton with that one.[devil2]
I live in the Happy Valley so you see all kinds of bumperstickers etc, that just want to make you accidently hit them.[wink]
I always pass them on the highway and pull in in front of them so that they can see my campaign ribbon bumper stickers! I can just imagine their looks of disgust as they realize what they are...

I'm proud to be disgusted by them!

Here, this 'un'll drive 'em nuts, too!


... from the Patriot Shop


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