Advice: Lightly used IC7100 for sale from friend

Jun 5, 2010
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Hey guys, taking my general upgrade on Saturday in Marlboro.

Talking to a good friend who is an Extra Class ticket holder about an HF rig. Told him I liked what I saw with the Icomm IC7100.

He said to hold off on buying one as he was going to sell his. Really hasn't used it much since he got it last year.

Here is a snippet from our chat on FB.

I paid like 1100+, but it's on sale for 1000 now, so I'd do it for that and throw in the HM-151 mic, and the mounting bracket.
And maybe the mic adapter to use a Heil headset

Good deal? Seems like it to me.

Ham Radio Outlet has them on sale for $980 brand new through the end of March, and I'm sure there's a warranty with that as well. You'd have to decide whether the keypad mic, bracket and the headset adapter is worth the extra. It is a good radio with tons of features. Either way you'll probably be happy with it.
My rule of thumb for anything used is I'll pay 60% of new. Used is always a risk and there usually isn't a warranty, plus sometimes the manufacturer has made an improvement so the new one is better.. Since this is your friend the risk seems low, but the price seems high, especially if the extras don't mean much to you.
W00T! Passed my General today!

Took it down in Marlboro and got a 31/35. About what I expected.

Now to decide if I want to buy the used radio and accessories or a new one.
Nice job Blind! I'm not sure what you're running for antennas or what radio you'll end up with, but if your setup calls for it, don't forget the antenna tuner.
W00T! Passed my General today!

Took it down in Marlboro and got a 31/35. About what I expected.

Now to decide if I want to buy the used radio and accessories or a new one.

Way to go Blindfire! I want to upgrade to General myself, I've been reviewing the material for the technician exam by listening to The Fast Track to Technician Class License by Michael Burnette on Audible in my car. I want to brush up on the material before studying for the General exam. What did you do to study for the General exam? Go through the ARRL study guide?

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Way to go Blindfire! I want to upgrade to General myself, I've been reviewing the material for the technician exam by listening to The Fast Track to Technician Class License by Michael Burnette on Audible in my car. I want to brush up on the material before studying for the General exam. What did you do to study for the General exam? Go through the ARRL study guide?

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Couple different sources. Used Gordon West's Audio CDs to study the bulk of it as well as The ARRL book was too dry and boring so I stopped using it...but I will keep it as reference material.

Lots of new people and upgrades recently.

Nine Generals were minted this weekend at the end of our General exam prep class this past weekend up in Nashua. 19 new Techs released into to electromagnetic wilderness back at out Tech class/exam in February.

W00T! Passed my General today!

Took it down in Marlboro and got a 31/35. About what I expected.

Now to decide if I want to buy the used radio and accessories or a new one.
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