after "the collapse" who will your neighbors be?

Commonly spoken phrases include:

“I don’t care about any of that! I just want to shoot blue helmets!”

“All I need is my hunting rifle and my bowie knife…”

“I don’t need to store food. I’ll just take other people’s…”

“I used to be a navy-seal-air-force-ranger-marine-scout-sniper-jiu-jitsu-master

now where have i heard these things?
I think we've already observed episodes around us during emergencies that looked very much like that Twilight Zone episode. One episode in particular that was quite an eye-opener for me was the large broken MWRA water main a couple of years ago that resulted in a boil order for many communities in the greater Boston area. Everyone was assured that plenty of water was available, but because of the alternate source or alternate means of transmission (I'm not clear which) they would have to boil the water before drinking it or cooking with it. What resulted was pandemonium, fights and some arrests as people literally attacked each other at stores and supermarkets to acquire bottled water. Some people were literally out of control.

That Twilight Zone episode may be closer to the truth than we wish to believe.
just look at this past snow storm I heard some NESers say that they were powering down their generators at night to bring them in because others had been stolen at night while people slept. During the ice storm a few years ago I had a generator and the ability to take in a few friends that needed warmth and food and i did because we were able to. but where do you draw the line? My family will always come first. The guy with the shelter in the video made the best point. while everybody else was out partying and living it up he was building his shelter he was ready. its not my fault if you didnt do what you needed to do to take care of your own family. Its not my job to feed your kids. every single one of those neighbors that broke down his shelter door would be an occupy wallstreet douche now. Wanting what somebody else worked hard for, free for themselves. after the collapse my neighbors will be the ones like me that were prepared. The only difference id if you take a pipe to my door your going to get one right back in the form of a 12 gauge
Unfortunately the neighborhood behind me may be full of...

The Lemming

This person lives life to the fullest, which by their definition essentially means working 9 to 5 in a job they despise with co-employees they hate, going home to watch reruns of The Apprentice while drinking away the pain of inadequacy, and bathing in the warm oily coconut butter glow of mainstream news before sinking into their soft feather bed of political ineptitude and dreaming sensible dreams of cult-like consumerist mayhem.
haha, glad you guys enjoyed this, it definitely made me pause and think about my neighbors, and unfortunately, some of the friends i figured would be closest to me in a situation like this...
Things to ponder - in the Twilight Zone video, the shelter did NOT work, because not all threats were guarded against. Sure, he was protected from flash, blast and fallout, but not a 2x4 battering ram. The point of the TZ episode was not that a shelter was a good idea, but that the real threat to human survival was other humans.

Regardless of your level of prepping, if the S were to truly HTF, unless you're in a true bunker (like that place in Virginia, below the resort) you're going to have a hell of a time.

Remember - everyone else will do what you're willing to do, to survive. You might have an edge over a lemming, because you're thought about it, and "prepped," but if it's 50 of them to one of you, and 75% of them die off, it's still 10:1 against you.

Make sure you have a backup plan, because your first one won't survive contact with the enemy.....
damn I have heard a little of each from each type of non prepper. It frightens me when my friends laugh at the thought of being prepared for disaster. Regardless of the nature of that disaster.
I'm a junior in this whole scheme of prepping and I am earnestly trying to build relationships with those that I know I can help and can help me when the time comes.
So when's the Northeast Preppers gathering?
damn I have heard a little of each from each type of non prepper. It frightens me when my friends laugh at the thought of being prepared for disaster. Regardless of the nature of that disaster.
I'm a junior in this whole scheme of prepping and I am earnestly trying to build relationships with those that I know I can help and can help me when the time comes.
So when's the Northeast Preppers gathering?

What's scarier? Your friends who poke fun, or your own family making fun while you secure stores and equipment?
Made me think of Louisiana and the hurricane. What those folks went through after that. They didn't heed the warnings, they weren't prepared, they expected the government to bail them out, and in the end, they fell prey to the hoards, the rapists, the thugs. They were lemmings .. most of them.
What's scarier? Your friends who poke fun, or your own family making fun while you secure stores and equipment?

good thing is my family doesn't laugh at it any more. my wife is on board too. I heard her say one day "keep the pound of gold and give me 500 pounds of food instead".
piece by piece and person by person we all need to figure out how to work together to survive if this really goes down badly, regardless of how far away we are from each other. Community and like mindedness will make us strong together I feel.
Make sure you have a backup plan, because your first one won't survive contact with the enemy.....

Thank you von Clausewitz!


That is my favorite quote and so true, it applies to anything in life. Sort of an application of the Rule of 3. For me it goes like this -

Cooking = Coleman Stove (Coleman fuel), no Coleman fuel = switch to propane (propane stove), no propane = switch to kero (kero stove) All of these precede cooking over fire grate & hardwood, charcoal, or twigs. Twigs = twig stove.

Eating is important, hot coffee is more important.
What's scarier? Your friends who poke fun, or your own family making fun while you secure stores and equipment?

Prior to the last (2) blackouts, Irene & the latest, I got the eye roll from family. When my daughter discovered at school she was the only one in her circle who had use of a hairdryer & curling iron, it switched to "My dad has a generator." There are no more eye rolls.
Prior to the last (2) blackouts, Irene & the latest, I got the eye roll from family. When my daughter discovered at school she was the only one in her circle who had use of a hairdryer & curling iron, it switched to "My dad has a generator." There are no more eye rolls.
Right on! I hear people say things like "oh I don't want to buy a generator just to use it once" or "after the storm I am going to sell my generator"
what in sam hein are people thinking? If you need it once you'll most likely need it again. I have used my generator 3 times in three years.
damn I have heard a little of each from each type of non prepper. It frightens me when my friends laugh at the thought of being prepared for disaster. Regardless of the nature of that disaster.
I'm a junior in this whole scheme of prepping and I am earnestly trying to build relationships with those that I know I can help and can help me when the time comes.
So when's the Northeast Preppers gathering?

You need different friends and a tighter lip on your preps.[wink]

It will really boil down to thisView attachment 22001 You want "Ants" not Grasshoppers.
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