steven grammont
NES Member
Went to my fathers yesterday with my brother for a visit , Dad is at the point where he's giving shit away. His wife is a liberal goof so she can't stand that he has guns in the house ,no matter what they are. My whole life my dad has always had a few firearms , nothing crazy , but always a rifle , pistol , a shotgun. Well he was trying to give me a 9mm and I told him to give it to my brother , so then he breaks out this wooden case and tells me to take this instead. I guess it was one of my grandfathers toys , it's a German made air pistol ....... Fired it a couple of times when I got home , it definitely functions but seemed weak. After a little research I found out that it has leather seals and that they need to be oiled , or replaced most likely. Just figured that I would share this .......