AK 10 round Magazines.. who has them for sale?

Jun 24, 2013
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I know there isn't really a demand but I would like to get at least 1 for my AK(7.62x39) so I can put it in the vice and see what it can do. When I bought mine it came with a 30rd so I've been looking ever since to pickup a 10rd and at a price that makes sense. anyone been there/done that recently?
Midway, primary arms. I have a tapco 10 rd for the range/ bench shooting and has been flawless, I have some preban 30 rounders for sale if interested
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I have 30's need the 10 to put this in the vice at the range. Its funny how the 30's are so easy to find but you hardly ever see a 10rd mag in a gun shop and with most companies not shipping mags to MA it just makes it a bit tougher.
Years ago you could find standard Saiga mags and dremel the feed lip off. People often gave them away after they installed a bullet guide.

Since the import ban they're probably collectibles by now.
I think the k-var (arsenal) 10 rounders can be bought from a number of vendors if they won't ship direct.
I'm not going to mention who will ship 10 rounders but they are on the Big list of Vendors online. K-Var may have your order in a month if your lucky. I will never again order from them. Unless I want to wait a Month. Listen to this 1, I placed an order (same night)from palmetto as my K-Var order and my palmetto came in before K-Var..[rofl]
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