Ak47 stock irons upgrade

Jan 11, 2013
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The sight picture with my stock iron sights feels very constrained. The u-notch rear sight is very narrow and finding the front post is quite slow/awkward versus other rifles I own.

I'm inclined to either enlarge the notch and paint the front post, or replace both.

This is my 1st AK. Business has been good so I purchased a Sam 7 series Arsenal.

Any suggestions would be welcomed.
The notch wont be much bigger but the K var adjustable windage rear sight is nice to have. There's also rear sight leaf's with peep sights . I like peep sights but find the peep sight to far away from my tired eyes on the Ak. I'm sure there are fatter front sights out there along with makeing the notch bigger might help.....
Certainly one the issues I contend with when using iron sights is my vision. While I am due for an eye exam, I nonetheless always want to make my irons easier to see and use. I've never owned peep/aperture sights; perhaps that's the way to go. Thanks mac.
dry fire practice, practice and practice until you are comfortable with the sight.

but if yor vision less then good and/or your prefer technology to be your solution (or crutch) then here are few options:

1. you can replace front post with one of those brightly colored tapco front posts. it should get it easier to spot front post and distinguish it from the rear sight. this is by far the cheapest solution

2. you can replace front sight with fiber optic one to make it even more visible includiing lin ow-light condition as well. still pretty cheap solution - about $20-25

3. or you can go all the way ($100+) and get expensive 3-dot night sight

what ever you do i hope it helps. but i'd say start with the cheap Tapco first. it could be enough especially if you put few nights of dry fire practice aim exsersises
good luck

and one more thing.
if you gonna be messing with front sight post and you don't have an AK toolkit like this one, or more specifically screwdriver/combination tool (2nd from the left)

then you might need to get something like this as well.
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I enlarged the rear notch on mine and painted the front. Took it from ~0.98 to ~1.36, if I remember my measurements. HUGE difference in speed of sight acquisition.
I have an SGL21 and I took a fine file, made the notch a little bigger, worked great. A buddy did the same and used neon orange nail polish on his front sight. Works great.
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