alert: first orders of Eotech G45 (5x magnifier) to ship Nov 4


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Nov 14, 2017
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BLUF: Eotech G45 5x multiplier will likely start shipping in about 7 days. Time to watch dealer inventories closely if you want to get in early.

Full detail: Eotech's G33 (3x magnifer) has been popular and caught my eye but I've been holding out for the upgraded model. They've been talking about their G45 5x multiplier for at least 5 years. At the 2020 SHOT Show they said it was coming within the next year, first Summer 2020, then Spring 2021. I check randomly every couple weeks for updates. Their website and Facebook page have nothing new but yesterday a couple people shared on this Reddit thread that their Optics Planet pre-orders were updated to say "shipping Nov 4". I talked to Optics Planet today -- they confirmed an early shipment will cover most outstanding pre-orders but some existing and any new orders are expected to be fulfilled Jan 15 (advertising at $639). Big Daddy Unlimited is my go-to dealer (advertising at $557) but told me today they have no updates on first shipments. They don't take pre-orders, so I'm anticipating in the next 1-2 weeks a limited supply will pop up. I've bought four Eotechs from BDU in the past and each notification alert sells out within 5 hours.

Got a request in with Eotech now to confirm if/when any other dealers are getting their first shipments and I'll update here with what they say.

Been looking forward to this magnifier for a long time. This is the week to get your notification alerts in with dealers if you want in, otherwise it may be months before you get another chance.
Link on optics planet? The one listed doesn’t look like the one on the eotech site

They do look different. I think various sites have either used the G33 as a stand-in or saved prior versions of changing concept design across five years. Surely the Eotech website has the most updated image.

Man, if this thing uses G33 mounts, this would push me to get on that Unity Tactical chin weld life for my night gun.
Link on optics planet? The one listed doesn’t look like the one on the eotech site
Tread lightly if you go the Optics Planet route. Says availability is 1-4 months, they are the worst for communication, I had to file a claim through PayPal and magically the last day before the claim was up they shipped my items.
Well Eotech wrote me back this morning and gave some conflicting info.

Screen Shot 2020-11-02 at 10.46.40 AM.png

So either Optics Planet got an initial release that's truly shipping out Nov 4 but Eotech doesn't feel like confirming it, or OP is mistaken and updated shipping on G45s when they meant to do so for G43s (another upcoming model, a micro version of the G33 3x magnifier).

I guess we'll find out in the next week if G45s start getting delivered.
In case anyone's following to get in early on the G45 like I am, no news from any of those sources. Not sure if Optics Planet failed (again) with that projection to ship Nov 4 or if the rumored small batch is getting delivered. Either way might be January or later for the rest of us after all.
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