All I want for Christmas is a…

Apr 22, 2011
Moving to North Carolina soon! ;)
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There is a slow change occurring in my household. At first, when I started talking about being prepared for disaster or any other event, my family looked at me like I was a complete moron. Right after the tornado dropped a 150 foot pine tree on my Hummer, the wife decided that being prepared for ‘stuff’ was a good idea. And, when the recent snow storm left us without power for 8 days, the wife was happy we were prepared because we didn't miss a beat! Heck, we had cable TV before we had power.[grin]

This year for Christmas I asked my oldest daughter what she wanted for Christmas. Her reply shocked me but made me smile. Her answer was (drum roll please)…… a bug out bag! That’s right, my daughter wants a 'fully' populated bug out bag. My... my… my… how the worm has turned! She is moving to Missouri for work and she realized that she needed to be prepared. Makes a dad smile, it does!

So, Christmas shopping for the daughter was a little strange this year, but it sure made me proud!
Get her a weather radio also,seeing how she will be in tornado alley. Make her a list of minimum supplies to have on hand also.
When my mom moved to TX where my brother is he made her a box of essentials to have and gave her a weather radio also.
Mrs.W., I still owe her a radio! A while ago I asked if anyone made a radio that turned itself on when there was a warning. Someone told me that Radio Shack makes one. I still have to get to the store and buy her one. But she knows it is on the way.
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