Am I reading this right ?


bubba Kalashnikov
May 30, 2012
Kyben pass (tewksbury ma)
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So a fellow NESer sent me a link to a trigger mod and a ATF letter . And a part of a thread .
I can't see it being legal so I figure I'll post it here .



Gist is you buy the 3 shot burst trigger for a m16 and selector . Do a few mods, it fires when you pull the trigger and when you release it . when you rotate the safety to the "full auto position" ....
When you have it in semi it's acts normal.

I just can't believe the ATF would be ok with this in a normal non nfa fire arms .

Knowing how the m16 works/ timing etc .
I can see if your really fast on the trigger you could get a out of battery boom . Or hammer follow and a light strike when you release it .
This smells like the kind of thing that sent David Olofson to prison.

Don't ARs have trigger return springs? If the trigger when released automatically fires another round, that would seem to be a problem. I guess the ATF considers pulling and releasing separate "functions" of the trigger?
Don't ARs have trigger return springs? If the trigger when released automatically fires another round, that would seem to be a problem. I guess the ATF considers pulling and releasing separate "functions" of the trigger?

I believe it also helps keep pressure on the hammer besides just returning the trigger .
My factory 2 stage trigger in my M&P 15-22 PC started doing this. It was fun to shoot once I figured out what was going on.

I swapped it out for a RRA 2 stage that night.
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while the letter states that a firearm can FUNCTION that way and not be classified as a machine gun, it goes on to advise the reader that the mere "combination of parts in one's possession" can also constitute a machine gun.

thus, once those M16 parts arrive at your door, you're f'd. Secondly, the photo shows an intact M16 disconnector being used--that's not permitted. Same with the M16 selector--not allowed.

IIRC, the forbidden M16 parts are the trigger, hammer, disconnector, selector, and autosear.
while the letter states that a firearm can FUNCTION that way and not be classified as a machine gun, it goes on to advise the reader that the mere "combination of parts in one's possession" can also constitute a machine gun.

thus, once those M16 parts arrive at your door, you're f'd. Secondly, the photo shows an intact M16 disconnector being used--that's not permitted. Same with the M16 selector--not allowed.

IIRC, the forbidden M16 parts are the trigger, hammer, disconnector, selector, and autosear.

Even without an M16 lower into which the parts could be installed? ​sigh
Even without an M16 lower into which the parts could be installed? ​sigh

The fire control parts thing is somewhat debatable, except for the sear itself, but Olofson case is a perfect example of how BATFE can act like major league douchebags about it. For example I don't think Olofoson's gun had a sear in it, or even a sear pin or hole, but he had a hodgepodge of fire control parts in the lower which caused the gun to lapse into bursts and then jam, and despite the fact that it resulted in the gun being a terrible attempt at a "machine gun" they still arrested him for it and sent him to prison.

See also:

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