Ammo Can Availability

Jan 9, 2012
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Anyone know of a place in Eastern Mass i can get ammo cans, i'd like the bigger ones like 40mm, 60mm or larger. I can find plenty online, but shipping makes it not worth it.
There will be plenty at the Marlborough gun show at the end of the month. Or army navy surplus store. Metro West Surplus Army-Navy usually have some.
Kittery had a stack of different sizes from 30cal to 40mm but that was probably a couple months ago.
Anyone know what these places are charging for each size? I'd like to pick up a few 50 cals and a few fat fifty SAW's but don't want to pay more than $15 with tax for 50's and $20 with tax for SAWs
+1 for the shops being in eastern MA!

Sportsman's Guide has 50's @ $17.XX and 30's @ $19.XX which seem ridiculous to me but the shipping is fairly reasonable
Cheaper Than Dirt has 50's @ $10.XX and 30's @ $9.XX but shipping will cost you almost as much as the cans themselves.

Are my "ideal" prices just too low for the current market? Or have I not found the right vendor?

*Sportsmans Guide had 30's and 50's on sale a while back for near half what they are going for now, but who knows when that will happen again.
Your prices are low for the current market in person buys. $20 for a 50cal can is not unreasonable now.

I did just order 9 cans online and got them for less than that, but again the in store prices have been going up. PM sent.
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To revive this thread, any more suggestions of good Surplus stores in the Eastern MA (closer to Boston is better) area? I'm also looking for ammo cans, and other mil-surp stuff. I used to love looking around at the stuff in the ones back home, and within Boston there don't appear to be any real surplus stores anymore.
To revive this thread, any more suggestions of good Surplus stores in the Eastern MA (closer to Boston is better) area? I'm also looking for ammo cans, and other mil-surp stuff. I used to love looking around at the stuff in the ones back home, and within Boston there don't appear to be any real surplus stores anymore.

Yes, there is a great one on Route 1 north in Saugus. It's called Army Barracks and they have all kinds of cool milsurp stuff like those wooden ammo crates for everything from grenades (about a cubic foot or so) for $15 up to the longer RPG type boxes. Also many different cans from the typical 30 cal size ($15 I think) on up to very large ones. I got a nice fat 50 cal can for $25 in very good shape. They also have tons of airgun crap and knives and other such things along with racks and racks of mil and camo clothing, some survival type supplies, etc. They are a chain too so if you check out their website you can see if there's one close to you. I know there's one in Salem NH on 28 too.
Yes, there is a great one on Route 1 north in Saugus. It's called Army Barracks and they have all kinds of cool milsurp stuff like those wooden ammo crates for everything from grenades (about a cubic foot or so) for $15 up to the longer RPG type boxes. Also many different cans from the typical 30 cal size ($15 I think) on up to very large ones. I got a nice fat 50 cal can for $25 in very good shape. They also have tons of airgun crap and knives and other such things along with racks and racks of mil and camo clothing, some survival type supplies, etc. They are a chain too so if you check out their website you can see if there's one close to you. I know there's one in Salem NH on 28 too.

Awesome thanks for the suggestion.

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