Another good IPSC day at AFS

Oct 28, 2005
South Shore Mass.
Feedback: 8 / 0 / 0
WOW, four great stages that were a challenge for all level shooters. If these guys continue coming up with these kind of stages, this venue will be a great success. Even though my blaster puked ( mag follower keeps getting stuck...Hmmm) on this stage, I loved the "Air Marshall" stage. great bit of creativity.

Keep it up guys!
Great stages and alot of fun,

I learn alot today.

I had a few mental mistakes, first was trying to shoot faster than I could see the front sight on my first stage and second was not engaging a target on the 2nd stage :(

But I learned from them and was able to shoot better on the remaining 2 stages

But a great time and I am hooked
Supermoto said:
Great stages and alot of fun,

I learn alot today.

I had a few mental mistakes, first was trying to shoot faster than I could see the front sight on my first stage and second was not engaging a target on the 2nd stage :(

But I learned from them and was able to shoot better on the remaining 2 stages

But a great time and I am hooked

I had the same problem on the first stage. Trying to shoot faster than my ability to see the sight. Once I slowed down I did allright. It was the first time I ever had to shoot sitting in a chair.
Hamar said:
WOW, four great stages that were a challenge for all level shooters. If these guys continue coming up with these kind of stages, this venue will be a great success. Even though my blaster puked ( mag follower keeps getting stuck...Hmmm) on this stage, I loved the "Air Marshall" stage. great bit of creativity.

Keep it up guys!
What Hmar did not mention was the stage was named in honor of one of our members who is leaving for Federal Air Marshall training in a few days.
I thought the stages were really good. The Air Marshall stage was very creative (our buddy will be missed). Sorry about slowing the match down when I broke the door on that one. When you are as strong as I am, stuff like that happens [wink]. If I have time, I'll go by the range and use some screws to tighten up some of the props.

We all go too fast and crash and burn. Going by a taget is especially frustrating and costly.

You've been watching too much of that snow Texas Swat and got excited when you saw the door and figured you could do it Swat style and just simple destroy the door to gain access. [lol]

I will give credit to everyone involved today as it was prob. the best match I've shot in such a long time. Things went really smoothly, the stages were great, and the RO's kept things moving as did all the shooters who helped taped and score.

The Air Marshall stage was definately the best and most fun!!! Our fellow shooter will be missed but when he comes back for a visit maybe this time he won't have a "Mike" on his own stage. HAHA Just kidding!!!

I can't wait till the next AFS match next month.
I had a great time. This was my first shoot, and I was way unprepared. But at least I know know what to expect. I am definitely looking forward to doing this again.
38supermatt wrote:

"results are up at

... i can sleep now"

Matt is amazingly fast. Compare and contrast his performance to the posting for the S&W shoot a couple of weeks back.
PistolPete said:
You've been watching too much of that snow Texas Swat...

That is funny. I came home and watched TIVOed episodes of Pride Fighting and Dallas Swat (much better than Texas Swat) last night since my wife is away.

It was my fault the door broke but it was because I'm the one that put it together poorly.
Great match, nice to see you all. Thanks to all that set up and thought up the stages. Thanks Matt for the quick scores.

Wish I had shot better, but it was one of those days :( That illusive post on the front on the revolver strikes again.

See you all at Bass River in April.

Thanks Matt for getting those scores up so fast. It very much appreciated.

On a side note, I found out what the problem with my magazines has been. There are three round holes in each side of the mag tubes. It looks as if those holes were stamped in. There was a large burr on the inside of the mags that would catch the follower. I cleaned those burrs up and will be hitting the range tomorrow after work to make sure these dang things work and dont screw up a match for me again.
"There are three round holes in each side of the mag tubes. It looks as if those holes were stamped in."

Who made the mags and in what caliber?
These were purchased used so I'm not sure that they were in factory condition. Therefore I wont say who's mags that are. I would not want to bad mouth a company without knowing 100% that they were bad from day one.

However, I will tell you they were .40 caliber magazines.......
you'll always get your scores quickly when I'm doing them because I want to see how I did just as badly as I think everyone else wants to see how they did.
I started shooting back when we actually had to have scores mailed to us, I hated the waiting then, and I hate it now. Which is the reason why I'll continue doing scores for Manville and AFS as long as they want me to.
As far as I'm concerned, you all paid for a match, and part of the match is the scores. The match doesn't end when everything is put away, the match ends when the scores have come out.
(and then it's time for corrections)
...a lot of fun.

The match at AFS was a lot of fun. I liked the Sky Marshall stage best, but it was unfortunate that the flight attendant on the left was as tall as she was. Ooops. :(

Thanks for the scores Matt.


jkelly said:
The match at AFS was a lot of fun. I liked the Sky Marshall stage best, but it was unfortunate that the flight attendant on the left was as tall as she was. Ooops. :(

It was a Good Shoot. I have it on unimpeachable authority that she had "gone over" - Stockholm Syndrome, you know.........
"It was a Good Shoot. I have it on unimpeachable authority that she had "gone over" - Stockholm Syndrome, you know.........---/Scruveber"

That was funny.:)


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