Another kick in the ass for Beirut Vets

Pilgrims Pride

NES Member
Dec 26, 2005
America's Hometown
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Star wars the movie is 30 years old this year and the US Poostal service thinks that warrants a new commerative stamp.
But we still cant get a stamp to remember those who were murdered on that October day in 83.

Semper Fi
Of course not! everyone remembers Star Wars..... who, outside of a select few and Marines, remembers the bombing?

I do! I was stationed in Berlin at the time. I worked swing shift and had just gotten back to the barracks when I walked through the door and everyone was going did you hear..... Then we had all the barriers and such, searches with the dust mops they called dogs, and our buses checked going in and out of the kaserne. Not to mention the 3 bullets they gave us when we pulled duty out at the gate.[thinking]
Also when we came back stateside we were appreciated a bit more. Had the customs guys actually tell us welcome back. Ushered us right through.
It has stuck in my head though. Just like 9/11.
Well the Col. or General that made the guards keep their ammo in pouches didn't trust Marines either. Proof positive that morons exist everywhere.

Well the Col. or General that made the guards keep their ammo in pouches didn't trust Marines either. Proof positive that morons exist everywhere.


ROE came from CONUS USGOVT not comanders on the ground. We not plant flowers, we plant bodies. Marines should not have been used in a peace keeping role at that time.

The mission of the Marine Rifle Squad is to locate, close with and DESTROY the enemy with fire and manuver and to repel enemy assult by fire and close combat!
I have a memory of learning that the decision came about from the local commander, but I could be wrong. I would like to know who it was that made that call. Someone at HQMC or in the civilian leadership?

I read The Root years ago and was non too impressed with the hoops that guys had to go through.

I don't think that President Reagan lost a son that day.

IIRC, Bob Dole had just done a 'visit' to Beirut, and felt that the Marine security was too 'high profile' and that it was offensive to the Lebanese. So, he ordered the security adjusted to suit his views. As I was told that included removing the .50 cals that would have had a chance at stopping the explosive laden truck.

I may be wrong on this, as I have been wrong before. Just ask my ex wife.
IIRC, Bob Dole had just done a 'visit' to Beirut, and felt that the Marine security was too 'high profile' and that it was offensive to the Lebanese. So, he ordered the security adjusted to suit his views.

Bob Dole was a Senator from Kansas. He had ZERO authority to order ANY change to the Marine Barracks security posture. He may have complained to somebody else, but he (like any Congressman) has ZERO pull when ordering the Armed Forces to do anything.

At Annapolis I was made to memorize the Chain Of Command from Midshipman 4th Class Rossy to the Commander In Chief (POTUS) and nowhere in between were Members of Congress.
I"m a civilian and I certainly remember that we lost a LOT of Marines in that barracks. For some reason 183 sticks in my mind but I'm not sure that is the correct number. It was far too many, though.

Hell, ONE would have been too many! [angry]
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