Another reason to attend a Project Appleseed event in 2025, PRIZES!!!!!!!


NES Member
Mar 28, 2010
Beverly, MA
Feedback: 31 / 0 / 0
It's true!

Each month during 2025, Project Appleseed will have a drawing for a prize valued at $1000! These prizes include $1000 Palmetto State Armory gift cards. (Hint - that'll getcha a nice centerfire rifle! Every American should own one!)

Project Appleseed has something very special in mind for April!
In honor of the 250th Anniversary of the Battles of Lexington & Concord, we're giving away a brand-new, completely functioning Pennsylvania flintlock rifle from Traditions Performance Firearms, also valued at $1000.

How to get into the drawing? Well, that's easy!
Simply register online for a rifle or pistol event during 2025. All adults who attend one of our events in 2025 from January to November will be automatically entered into the drawing for the month they attend! And yes, the more events you attend, the greater your chances of winning.

Winners from each month's entries will be drawn LIVE on our YouTube channel on the 2nd of the following month. The first winner will be drawn from January's entries on February 2nd, and so on. Stay tuned for more information on that soon.

Now for the fine print and pesky legal stuff (Insert radio car dealer ad voice here:)

  • This drawing is conducted in the state of North Carolina by Project Appleseed™, a program of the Revolutionary War Veterans Association™, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
  • The drawing will be from names of pre-registered adult students who attend Project Appleseed rifle and pistol events.
  • Drawing not valid where prohibited by law.
  • No purchase necessary.
  • RWVA volunteers and their immediate family members ineligible through November.
Would love to attend one of these events someday!

As expected.... :-(

Events for the State of Massachusetts​

There are no events currently scheduled for Massachusetts.​

As the Cap'n said, Mass always has a number of events each year. The winter is typically planning for the new year. So check

To give you an idea, Mass had 8 events in 2024. There first was in in early February, so I wouldn't be surprised to start seeing posts for events going up.
I just want my winterseed patch. What’s going on in southern NH?
January 31st, Dunbarton, NH. And February 15th in Littleton, NH. Littleton will be the best shot of a winter seed, but Dunbarton is obviously closer to Southern NH.

Last year in Littleton we had massive pot of Chili. I think it was chili, I don't know I wasn't there. Too cold. Haha, it's true I wasn't there but not cause of the cold.
January 31st, Dunbarton, NH. And February 15th in Littleton, NH. Littleton will be the best shot of a winter seed, but Dunbarton is obviously closer to Southern NH.

Last year in Littleton we had massive pot of Chili. I think it was chili, I don't know I wasn't there. Too cold. Haha, it's true I wasn't there but not cause of the cold.
You are the man. Thanks
Hello Sensei,
Do you think you will be at Pelham Fish and Game for Patriots Day next year? I have a few people from my club who are interested in going. Thanks.
Hello Sensei,
Do you think you will be at Pelham Fish and Game for Patriots Day next year? I have a few people from my club who are interested in going. Thanks.

That's great! Always glad to see seasoned Appleseeders bring in friends and family.

We haven't nailed down patriots weekend yet, but because of Easter it might just be a single day on Saturday. I'll keep everyone up to date

I should be there, Pelham is the closet range that we have an event at, to home for me. Over the past year I have missed a number of events. Personal and professional life is starting to come to a head. However, Pelham and Dunbarton are usually my staples.
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