Thinking about joining there, but it's always a hassle for me as I can't really attend a bunch of meetings etc because of my work schedule. I'm a second shifter who often works weekends. Is this a type of club I can pay my dues, get a tour and the range rules and not have to constantly attend meetings etc? I wish I had the time, but my free time is pretty limited between work and school. I did not renew my old club membership as it was not a good match for me (fixed firing line, no ccw, no full auto or drawing from a holster). I know that Monadnock is full auto friendly, and seems like the kind of club I would really enjoy. I drive by there every day, so the location couldn't be better either. Are a lot of you members there? More importantly, where do they stand on tanerite and other non paper targets? Shooting paper gets boring after a while.