Any opinions on a Marlin .22 magnum?

The .22 rimfire magnum is expensive compared to .22 long rifle and non reloadable because it's a rimfire. It would make a good survival round and a good hunting round for non reloaders who need more power than the long rifle.I don't own one because I reload the .22 Hornet.It's too expensive for most people to plink with. I found it to be more accurate than the long rifle in my old model single six.
I only know what I read, but it seems the .22 WMR is a good round that everyone wishes were a little different or a little better. It's best as a rifle round due to slow-burning powder, and has to have a round or soft-nosed bullet since it's used in lever-action rifles. It seems to be difficult to use in a semi-auto because the case design can cause extraction problems.

However, guys who use them in bolt action rifles for hunting prey of coyote size or smaller at ranges up to 100 yards seem to like it a lot.

There aren't a lot of complaints about Marlin rifles on NES.
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