Anyone a member at either Athol or Ashland fish and game clubs?

Feb 16, 2009
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I've been looking for a club to join and found these two through the range forum but the name and location is where the info ends. Is anyone here a member or know anything about the ranges?? I'm looking for a place in either Worcester or MetroWest with expanded shooting hours.
I'm a member of the Ashland Fish and Game. The range is 50ft, 9 lanes all pistol cal. and .22 rifles. The dues are $50 per year, $25 initiation fee and $25 for the 24hr keycard. You need to be voted in at a meeting. The next one is in september.
The club is primarily a bar and the range is usually empty. if you have any other questions let me know
Click on the sig below for info on Woodsman in Athol.

Feel free to PM me about the club.

I run the website, use the "Contact Us" link on the site if you'd like a membership app.
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